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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs

    Mass gain

    WARNING: THIS THREAD CONTAINS STRING THEORY AND MAY NOT BE SUITIBLE FOR CLOSE-MINDED PEOPLE. As we have seen in other threads, speed can change a circle(in this case a string). My previous examples of this dealt with rotation. Forward motion also affects a circle, only not as much. Perhaps it changes the vibrational pattern of said string enough to alter its mass.
  2. it was figurative, but they should be deported. to many aliens anyway.
  3. i can shoot my salivary glands. if the creature had one with one chemical and the other with one that reacts with the first in the correct manner, it would work. it doesn't sound that farfetched. could happen
  4. if you don't respect the citizens enough to learn their language, you do not to live in their country. it is that simple.
  5. it sounds like you just like to get pushed around. why should you put up with having to move to a new restaurant when the waiter doesn't speak english. yes, if i was in congress, i would put forth a bill to make immagrants have at least a conversational level of english.
  6. ok phi, one time i saw Spanish applications at a restaraunt. is it just me, or would you want your waiter to understand you? one time, i was at the scene of an accident. i was the only first aid qualified person there. the people involved didn't speak english, so i couldn't do anything. luckily, my gf spoke spanish and i talked to them through her.
  7. until today, i was the only one in town with gmail.
  8. Science Forums Network Anonymous, duh!
  9. that is what i said. but i add if you don't learn the language, you have no business living in that country
  10. ydoaPs


    perhaps the rankings should be removed. they have no real purpose, do they?
  11. jordan, what did your teacher say? fagel, you meant you're, not your. (sorry, just saw it.)
  12. i have 5 days left on chat, but i don't care because no one is ever on
  13. the moon's orbit has almost no eccentricy. it is almost a perfect circle.
  14. what is a cip engine?
  15. why do you feel that since immigrants don't wanna learn english, we should learn their language? if i moved to russia, should i make them all learn english instead of me learning russian?
  16. oops, didn't read the whole question. sorry. what jordan said
  17. i have heard (books and discovery channel) "_____ then evolved _____ so that it could _____." that is such crap. side note: wings. how? it took hundreds of years of intelligent effort to and millions of speculation for humans to accomplish it. how did random copying errors create such a precise appendage?
  18. possible hull material :http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5854 ?
  19. the Earth spins.
  20. i think you got quark and lepton backwards. he was a lepton first, that is what prompted the question
  21. 1.) i just used mexicans as an example, because they are the only one's i have seen have a problem about deciding they don't want to learn english. i have several friends from mexico, BUT THEY SPEAK ENGLISH. 2.) how wouldn't it create more racism? several cliques that don't understand each other.
  22. body-heat power generator. put a liquit in a vacuum with a small turbine-like power genorator, then place it on your body
  23. space DOES contract at the speed of light, but the expansion, at our reference point, it sub c. a sphere in one dimension is 2 dots. you say any direction, but wiht only 1 dimension there are only two directions (ex. left and right)
  24. i like the quick links for LaTex. good idea. it should have the greek symbols, ^2, and \sqrt also
  25. ydoaPs


    how doesn't it affect it? i have an equation to back me up, do you?
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