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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. intelligent may be overstating it. there are people in my school that can't have intelligent conversations. they should be at least conversational if they plan on moving here.
  2. ydoaPs


    I guess my question is "Is there already a form of geometry that deals with spinning circles, or do I have to make it up as i go?"
  3. ydoaPs


    i don't know.book was copyright 1999. i wonder why a dentis would be looking for a metal for joint replacements. sorry for the long-ass first post.
  4. ydoaPs


    "Impervium? Eternium? What do you call a nearly unbreakable metal? Dr. Richard Waterstrat has been pondering that question ever since he invented an alloy that is nearly impervious to wear. Several years ago at the National Institute for Standards and Technology, Dr. Waterstrat was developing a metal for use in artificial hips and knees. Because the alloy would be implanted into the human body, it needed to be both nontoxic and crack-resistant. He made one alloy by mixing three metals- zirconium, palladium, and ruthenium. The alloy seemed promising, so Dr. Waterstrat sent it down to the machine shop to prepare a sample for testing. Soon after, Dr. Waterstrat received a call from a worker in the shop who reported that he was unable to cut the alloy in a lathe, using conventional methods. At first, Dr. Waterstrat thought the metal might simply be too hard to cut. But closer examination revealedthat a very thin fibrous layer had formed wherever force had been applied to the metal. The crystalline structure of the alloy's surface had changed in response to the force to prevent new damage. THe metal had actually 'healed itself.' 'The new crystals are harder and stronger than the original crystals,' Dr. Waterstrat explained, 'and that reinforces or 'heals' the defects that form as a result of the applied stress, making the material, in fact, stronger than it was to begin with. So the unusual wear resistance is due to the fact that the metal is contunually forming crystals under stress to resist further wear' Dr. Waterstrat's alloy not only was resistant to cracking, but also was found to be nearly impervious to wear. He submitted the alloy to a test to measure its wear-resistance, its ability to withstand intense wear over long periods of time. After a pin was rubbed against the metal for 5 million cycles, the alloy shoed practically no wear. Artificial joints are constantly subjected towear, so it seemed that Dr. Waterstrat had finally found his ideal metal.While the alloy is still being perfected for use in joint replacements, there are other applications for which it might be used. Any piece of metal that is subject to extreme wear, such as drill bits, bearings in machinery, or needles in sewing machines, could be coated with the wonder metal. The alloy seems to be corrosion-resistant, suggesting that it could be used as the metal contact in an electric circuit, a part that is constantly subjected to high wear and corrosion. The indestructible ally is here; now all it needs is a name." --- Holt Physics page 129 what is the progress on this metal and how light is it?
  5. thanx
  6. cool, do that, please.
  7. it is mental, emotional, and physical. it is hard to describe.
  8. ok, but what about the feeling? before recently, it was only during that dream, now it is all the time.
  9. hahaha, very funny. SPAM IS BAD, BOTH THE "FOOD" AND YOUR POST. idk, if you seriously considered destiny and psychic messeges from the future to not be total crap, it could be a possibility.
  10. mexicans: if you live in mexico and want to move to america, all the power to you, UNLESS YOU DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH. if you move to a country and don't speak the national language, you deserve to be shot.(unless u r a baby, duh) it also pisses me off when immigrants teach their kids th language nation of their homeland instead of english.
  11. There was an old show on the Science Channel where they put scientists on an island and they had to build stuff like radios and make stuff like bugspray. It was pretty cool.
  12. Several companies are burying power lines, so there will be fewer outages. It takes a lot of energy for electricity to travel through air at this pressure.(Air is a very good insulator of heat and electricity.)
  13. there IS NO "at rest". how does newtons laws of physics work with relativity in that aspect. i guess it should be "an object at rest relative to its surroundings will stay at rest relative to its surroundings until an outside force acts upon it."
  14. I have one that everyone would have no problem with. Use the string and the magnets to make a pendulum. Have one magnet place so that it repels the one on the string. Let the pendulum go and see how long it takes to stop.
  15. no matter what you do to it, it will still take more power than just using an ac outlet.
  16. ydoaPs


    I have come to the conclusion that the measure of an angle would change. The reasoning has nothing to do with the fact that pi is no longer 3.14...... Draw an angle with a measure of [math]{\pi}/2[/math] radians. have a line connecting two points on the sides of the angle. That line will shring due to the spinning. The radius stays the same. Since the distance between the two sides is smaller at the same distance from the center, the measure of the angle is smaller than before the spinning. Is this a type of geometry, or am do I have no way of checking my posts?
  17. bad with english? could my good buddy Thales explain it for me?
  18. don't tesla coils USE power? why use up more power to power things that you can power with much less power? wow, i used the word power a lot of times
  19. if everoneone would stop saying "everyone is racist against me" and stopped things like negro college fund, then racism would probably be even further deminished. it is the advertisement of the differences that make them appearent. if no one put the small differences in view and forgot about the past, racism would be COMPLETELY gone. edit: post # 1,234 for me.
  20. household chemicals, huh? you can make some good stuff with most of them. if you have ephedrine based pills, they are even better. not*cough* from my *cough* experience. DRUGS ARE NOT CONDONED BY SFN.
  21. When I was a young child, I had this reaccurring dream that I couldn't remember the details but I remembered how I felt. The only time I ever felt like that was during that dream. Evenually, the dreams stopped and I forgot about them. Two weeks ago, I got that feeling and I still have it. Last night, I had the dream again. This time I remembered it. I was in a circular stone temple with pillers around the circumference of one of the middle circles. The space outside the pillers was a hallway surrounded by a darkness that I couldn't quite make out. I was in the middle circle, when I was approached by a figure. The figure told me that I would become king. I figure there may be a psych major on the site that could tell me what it meant. Any suggestions?
  22. I put other, because of two reasons. the people that people are most racist against is the white male(which, of coarse, is the opposite of the appearance.). the other is that most of the appearant racism is only people trying to get a break. ex.) "30 years ago african americans couldn't get into college, so now, screw the white man and give everyone else extra entry points."
  23. ydoaPs

    albert einstine

    being 14 years old does not remove your brain.
  24. why not just have positrons or antiprotons in a magnetic bottle?
  25. uh, they have "found" something before, and it wasn't a secret for long
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