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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. a simple written explaination would help. just take a minute to post it. when looking at a chart graph thingy, it helps to know what you are looking at.
  2. what is the chance that they even use radio signals? they could have gone down a totally different technalogical pathway.
  3. mountains of evidence for modern science, none for flak. who wins?
  4. what is the deal with all the 14 year olds?
  5. can you explain it in words, please?
  6. If you have a good horror story, post it. I'll start: Bush is president.
  7. ydoaPs

    albert einstine

    yes it is. i am traveling into the future as we speak (uh, i mean type)
  8. ydoaPs

    albert einstine

    we use negative velocity all the time in my physics class
  9. not true. the waterbear can survive extreme heat and cold, vacuum, and radiation.
  10. what is a phonon?
  11. you haven't presented ANY evidence to support you. until you do (or even put forth a logical explanation), shut up about it.
  12. Are you trying to say that if a WD passes the Schwarzchild (sp?) Radius it becomes a black hole? If so, DUH! What does that have to do with the speed of light being a barrier?
  13. isn't scull warping a common practice in some cultures. i think the cultures that do it are no longer around. many cultures screw up thier bodies. ex1.) chinese bind feet. ex.2) elongation of necks (forgot the name of the tribe. i think it is in africa)
  14. He3 has 1 neutron, He4 has 2
  15. one word. "pseudoscience"
  16. ydoaPs

    albert einstine

    what the hell did that first post say? all i picked up was that the person was 14.
  17. i thought electron volts were energy units, not mass.
  18. it depends on what isotope. it could be a proton and any number of neutrons
  19. it depend what you get. my 83+ was 90 dollars
  20. huh? let me guess, english isn't your first language.
  21. I don't remember that being in A Brief History of Time.
  22. ydoaPs


    A few days ago I was told that there is West Nile Virus in my county. I just got ate up by mosquitos. They were blue and had stripes. Does that kind of mosquito carry the virus?
  23. Grrr, William Weeb. Posted the same thread five times. Must be deleted.
  24. 1.) it often seems like i am moving normally, but time is slower. that is when i am doing a test or something like that. 2.)it happens all the time. sometimes i am between sleep and awake. time passes in a very odd manner. i can see in seconds what happens in hours and vice versa.
  25. why. i used my friends' before and they are impossible
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