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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. if you have several black holes arranged in a circle, could they not stretch space to its tearing point?
  2. how has it only been indirectly? ever hear of atomic clocks in aircraft and on ground?
  3. it works better if you ditch words and go with ideas. it makes reading A LOT faster. don't say the words to yourself. when you are walking down the street and see bob, you don't say to yourself "thats bob"; you just recognize him. do the same with words and you will go much faster. sorry for the off topic paragraph, but it kinda helped my point.
  4. no. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. casio sux ass. TI means Texas Instruments
  5. if time stopped, speed would be 0, not infinite.
  6. it's nice how they put survivor in quotes. grrrrrrrrrr.
  7. didn't the Germans take precise records? what did they say?
  8. A bartender walks up to a man at a bar. He says "You'll have to leave. You look like hitler, and that scares some people." The man says "I am Hitler." The bartender says "You can stay, but you have to sit in back." Hitler says "When you're not busy, come back here and talk to me." The bartender has a little free time, so he decides to talk to Hitler. Hitler says "I did it all wrong last time. This time it will be different." The bartender says "How?" Hitler said "This time, I'll kill 6 million Jews and one pizza guy." The bartender asks "Why the pizza guy?" Hitler says "See, I told you no one cared about the Jews!"
  9. time travel to the future is easy. i do all the time. just did it. did it again. doing it right now.
  10. extra, u need to buy tv time.
  11. u can't get "rape" on anything but 83
  12. grrr, they are fast if u have an 83+ or 83+ silver eddition. fun for video games.
  13. OMG, did u not read the post?
  14. TI83+ silver eddition
  15. is it not possible that the properties of the universe are such that we cannot truly know them?
  16. how do you know it has a finite amount of matter and energy?
  17. "Yes, but why is the rum gone?" the movie rocked, so i may go to walmart to listen to the soundtrack. thanx for the suggestion.
  18. what background in science do you have? from what i have read of your posts, you have no clue what you are talking about.
  19. odd question: if there are black holes arranged in a circle, could they rip open space and create a wormhole?
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