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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. latin
  2. and i was talking about the lack of relevance in his.
  3. o really, what theory is that? i talking about one that actually exists. string theory ring any bells?
  4. ydoaPs

    Cell Phones

    that's great. uhh, alt 0222. Þ
  5. wow, i bet ur good at physics. sayo: theoretically, strings are played with every day. so, :Þ
  6. uh, i used to play the trombone. i played it for 4 years
  7. i usually read over and subdevide a peice before i play it for the first time.
  8. good point. people these days don't seem to understand that
  9. ydoaPs

    Cell Phones

    that is my mater plan. *insert evil laugh here* i will bring all threads off topic. :Þ
  10. ydoaPs

    Cell Phones

    so cell phones are weapons for terrorism?
  11. ydoaPs

    Cell Phones

    maybe people in UK are just gullible
  12. what chapter? i want to check it out.
  13. ydoaPs

    Cell Phones

    i have seen no such sign
  14. ydoaPs

    Cell Phones

  15. yes, they say tachyon, but not tachyon frequency :Þ
  16. it isn't from star trek. idk, it may have been on it. ask sayo. i was refering to the vibration of the string that causes the properties of the particle. there is a quark pattern, photon pattern, ect.
  17. i already gave you one and you didn't like it edit: dave, what the hell was that? uh, maybe i used the wrong term. "vibrational pattern" will probably wok better.
  18. ydoaPs

    Cell Phones

  19. sayo: i'll let u use google dave: it is the vibration pattern of a string that produces tachyon properties. sorry, i thought it was self explanitory.
  20. the scale that has been attempted on this site
  21. which is worse, defining "time", "everything", or "exists"?
  22. use my way with the cast system. remember that opposites are the same as thier counterparts when it comes to the cast sysem.
  23. Linkin Park or High Voltage?
  24. idk, but my eyes give away my mood, because they change colors. they are like natural moodrings. moodrings don't work on me anyway, because my body temp is always high
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