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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. Mmm, I like squirrel. Sounds like dinner. You want some? Fine then. All for me.
  2. if they thought aliens were gods, would they no assume they could control weather, fertility, ect.? edit: my post #1,111
  3. a pothead disco jehova's witnesses
  4. my TI83+ said it is undefined. it said "ERR:DOMAIN"
  5. the egyptian light bulb. http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/chaptera/
  6. a teenager your dad's hair the ground
  7. o, the light bulb. i forgot about that. it said how it works. someone built it by the description and it worked. i saw it on discovery channel, so i am an expert.
  8. right now, i am listening to a band that only one other person hear would know of. it is called "About Gone"
  9. look up myan, sumerian, egyptian cultures. they all have "myths" talking about "gods" coming from the sky and giveing them information
  10. most of the common ones are PROBABLY partly true. think about it. how can people from all around the world(that have no contact with each other) have the exact same stories if there isn't some elment of truth in the stories?
  11. take an etymology class. read a lot. take another language. if you do all that, you will increase your vocabulary tremendously
  12. saying mythology is totally fasle is unsubstantiated. they described things using words and experiences they had.
  13. ancient peoples had not the experience we have today. is it not possible that they thought the extraterrestrials were gods?
  14. is this for real? i clicked on the first site and found UFO pics on it.http://www.americanantigravity.com/gctspace.html
  15. we also have ancient records telling about knowlege coming from the gods. these stories are from all around the world. from cultures that aren't supposed to have any direct contact. how does that violate ockham's razor?
  16. study in five minute bursts with five minute breaks in between. it makes you more focused. don't highlight. hilighting delays learning. i am takin it n october. when are you?
  17. most people on here are guys. they are just used to saying he
  18. they get muons upt to 9.999994% c
  19. you've never heard of linkin park? have you had your head in a hole in a cave on mars? i like switchfoot, but some of their songs are too christian
  20. linkin park isn't hip hop. what are you smoking?
  21. as far as i am concerned, the only manned space exploration done was going to the earth's moon. the rest is going in a circle a few miles above the surface. unmanned is different. i think we need more missions there as well.
  22. ydoaPs


    yea i did. it may have been deleted, but i said it.
  23. ydoaPs


    see, a full rotation is 2PI radians. pi is no longer applicable. i don't have a problem with a no answer, my problem is with your reasoning. why can't the angle be defined by the space it is in?
  24. we can get particles pretty close, though. they go so fast, thier time slows and they last longer.
  25. ydoaPs


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