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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs


    i don't know the "answer." it went from being a flat circle to being on a globe. how did that happen?
  2. ydoaPs


    how did it go from being flat, to being a circle drawn on a sphere?
  3. this may help in unified theory: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5503 it is wierd
  4. ydoaPs


    perhaps the radius bends into a new dimension. the circle becomes a 2 dimensional bowl?
  5. ydoaPs


    being proportional doesn't make it an extension
  6. ydoaPs


    is there a way to calculate how much the circumference shrinks relative to speed?
  7. why don't you explain it to me?
  8. ydoaPs


    why would it shrink?????????? if the radius shrank, wouldn't there be no circle if it got close enough to c?
  9. punk, rock, punk rock, classical, spanish pop
  10. if it started before us and is faster than us, how hasn't it passed seconds after the big bang. actually, it should have passed before matter was even created.
  11. ydoaPs


    the radius only has one dimension and it doesn't shrink due to motion. the cercumference has nothing to do with if an object is a circle; it is just the length of the distance from one point in the set to itself. edit: it still has the same equation, it is still a circle.
  12. ydoaPs


    it may be some odd new form of geometry(long shot, but maybe) how do you know it is a him? don't assume things.
  13. then how the bloody hell did we get in front of it??????????????? radiation was created before matter. radiation travels faster than matter. we should not be able to see radiation from the big bang.
  14. ydoaPs


    distance only shrinks in direction of motion. that is why i made the post in the first place. odd problem. i am going to ask my physics professor tommarrow
  15. that is what i am saying. it would have passed us LONG ago.
  16. ydoaPs


    the radius does not shrink i liked the quote, that is why i typed it
  17. ydoaPs


  18. ydoaPs


    time actually slows down when in motion. it has been proven with jets and atomic clocks.
  19. ydoaPs

    Power Outage

    i'm sorry, but i found it extremely funny. i guess am a just a sick and twisted alien vampire.
  20. ydoaPs


    yes, you did.
  21. ydoaPs

    Power Outage

    that isn't nice
  22. ydoaPs


    I am not sure what sayo is wanting me to explain. it is pretty simple.
  23. ydoaPs


    no it is not. it is an inference based on your post. you said the contraction of length is an illusion, so I assumed you also thought time dialation is also an illusion.
  24. how COULD it be? logic would dictate it is impossible. energy travels at c, matter deosn't. i have never understood why people thought that it is from big bang.
  25. ydoaPs

    Power Outage

    Today at school, we had a power outage. A squerrel got into a transformer. I just thought some of you would find it amusing.
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