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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. i thought u were using the term "universe" instead of brane, because i have yet to hear a definition of universe that leads me to believe there could possibly be more than one. sorry
  2. ydoaPs


    so time dialation is only an illusion also?
  3. background radiation???????????????
  4. in brane theory, the new space is made when the two "universes" meet. aka cyclic model. )
  5. cosmology is speculation?
  6. what the hell did you just say? I have read the majority of your posts, and none of them make sense.
  7. calcgames.org
  8. 1) I have no clue what you are trying to say. 2) string theory= look it up omg, i am tired of these "is it related to string theory" questions.
  9. proof, i want proof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! linky?
  10. i have decided that red lights would be better
  11. you know, like neon lights. idk, was just a thought. still haven't made up my mind bout wat i am gonna do with it. how much do you pay someone to drive a hurse?
  12. ydoaPs


    the reference frame of an outside observer
  13. ydoaPs


    but still, it should shrik, because it is moving at a substantial fraction of the speed of light. what isn't thought through?
  14. ydoaPs


    isn't speacial relativity FOR acceleration?
  15. ydoaPs


    because the radius has no length in the direction of motion.
  16. idk. it's blue (idk y), but I am getting it painted black. i may put purple lights on the bottom.
  17. ydoaPs


    euclidean geometry has limits (like motion and curves) since the radius are center are not affected, it still obeys the equation. so, as previously stated, pi is not a constant.
  18. stellar winds going to other galaxies? you may be overestimating solar wind
  19. ydoaPs


    why wouldn't it be a circle?
  20. good idea. you can't open the back doors from the inside. i tried to get out of my coffin, and couldn't get out of my car. seriously, I am gonna pimp it out.
  21. aren't galaxies VERY VERY VERY VERY far apart?
  22. I have always been told that there is mostly matter in the universe(compared to antimatter). How does anyone know? They say if there was, there would be buffer zones. I thought there are rediculous distances betwenn heavenly bodies, so why couldn't there be antimatter galaxies?
  23. on my calc, i can play Asteroids. (best game ever) you can get calander programs and take notes. mine is a TI83+ edit: my friend made a game for it called "rape." the object of the game is to walk around and rape people.(duh)
  24. open the top of your toilet and put rocks in it. it will make it use less water.
  25. if that is your pic, ur a synonym for goddess
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