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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs


    yea there is "ASL, ROFL, SUUC, ..." ever been to a chat room?
  2. Does brain control mind? Or does mind control brain? Well, does mind exist?
  3. What is the mind. I was told the brain controls the brain. That makes no sense. If the brain controlled itself, then all thought and or movement is random. I thought the mind is what controls the chemical processes(thoughts) in you brain. If something didn't control them, then wouldn't you be a vegetable? I am confused.
  4. and they would have to be the same atoms in the same relative position, right? still no answer bout the mind.
  5. ydoaPs


    wat bout net slang?
  6. does that mean they are ripples in space?
  7. ydoaPs


    but bad cuz radiation. read the whole thread.
  8. what the hell is a magnetic wave? gravity and electromagnetism are completely distict from the nuclear forces.(now, under present conditions)
  9. How are the pyramids at Giza broken? It seems like all it needs to work is water to be heated. What the bloody hell is "sacred water"? Is it like holy water?
  10. the widest point would be hard to find. THAT ISN'T A CONSTRUCTION. all it is is tracing a shadow(which isn't neccessarily the correct size) and making a random secant.
  11. if you have ever done a construction, you would know pulkit's way is easy and correct. bloodhound's way isn't even a construction. he wants to trace a shadow and make an arbitrary line to call the diameter.
  12. the first post said that. "Given a solid sphere, construct its diameter using compass and straightedge." a secant isn't nessecarily a diameter. how using a ruler? duh, just go with pulkit. it is an easy construction.
  13. ydoaPs


    i was joking i was makin fun of people like extrasense. i thought it was obvious.
  14. wrong. movement and speed are based on time. "going no where for ever and ever" also implies the existance of time.
  15. my question remains unanswered.
  16. how do you suppose you measure the diameter then?
  17. ydoaPs


    in the ship. for the hull. they used it on Apollo, cuz it aint that heavy.
  18. it is probly a program that takes it from the server, idk
  19. what do you mean reducing agent? like to burn off chemicals from a solution or something?
  20. i asked because there are several chmical reactions going on at any point in time. you didn't answer about the mind
  21. I know, shoot the camera then drive as fast as you want.
  22. Q: Why is it so hard to solve redneck murders? A: The DNA is all the same and there are no dental records.
  23. why do you guys want Mg?
  24. ydoaPs


    In the early 70's, wasn't NASA planning on using aluminum to send astronauts to Mars?
  25. so, i have decided just to run an extension cord from the house(unless it is a construction)
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