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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. i like playing game with RPGs. *insert evil laugh here* the only rpg game i like is EQ, but i haven't played it in years.
  2. ydoaPs


    no, but good idea. i was thinking making a powerful X-ray gun to see how it effects organic matter.
  3. ydoaPs


    how would i make the beam more intense?
  4. ydoaPs


    i haven't looked at it yet, but thanx
  5. ydoaPs


    How do the X-ray machines work? Do they have a natural scource or do they make them artificially?
  6. here is a better link for it. http://www.newscientist.com/hottopics/tech/article.jsp?id=99992572⊂=Nanotechnology that is the article he was talking about.
  7. it is called CONTEXT. how many of those would have worked in context? edit: Вы говорю по-русски?
  8. why not strip electrons from hydrogen?
  9. does it have mass? all i know is charge. damn, i left my notes at school.
  10. Phi is good at this. He gives good advice in it. His Haiku is good.
  11. mass, but not size. it has no size.
  12. handball is already a game. i think soccer and american footbal should have different names so we are more compatible with the rest of the world. i think we should use the SI system too. sure ours was made first, but SI is easier and used by everyone else.
  13. uncertainty principle. some energy is borrowed to make matter, and somewhere else, there is an equal amount of negative energy?
  14. ydoaPs


    i can't be a "failed star", because it wasn't attempting to be a star. if it were 10 times larger, fusion may have started.
  15. if intriguing means "a buch of crap", then you're correct.
  16. Kitty is stupid. 2+2=4, duh. It don't equal 5.
  17. I am bald. No Hair. Why did I let her do that. She shaved my head. Doh!
  18. what about away missions? like going to an asteroid or something? edit:it would take much longer than one year to accelerate anywhare c at 1g. besides that, acceleration to c is impossible
  19. then you go slowly. and don't turn
  20. what about the meat? anyway, bacteria might affect the plants. it depends on what it is. on a different subject, the entire crew would need g-suits. i would suggest hydrolic g-suits instead of pneumatic. i have seen video of a two pilots in g-suits at nine gs each having different types of suits. the one with the hydrolic suit was fine and the one in the pneumatic was about to pass out.
  21. so, you want no backup? say someone is infected with a disease, but shows no symptoms. the food gets sick and dies. what do you do now? surplus food would spoil. MREs last almost forever.
  22. did you not read the post that brought it up? what if something happens to the food being grown?
  23. well, they are less messy and actually weigh less. think about it, a microwave and faraday cage or a few thousand heaters.
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