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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. have it in a room protected with a faraday cage. also, the only other electronic device in the room would be lights.
  2. heaters are messy, too. they leave metallic powder everywhere.
  3. still won't work as well.
  4. it needs gravity to mix correctly. without it, the water wont reach many of the crystals. also, you pour the water into heater packs. pouring doesn't work in zero-g environments.
  5. I like that Haiku. Dissing Haiku in Haiku; that is really pimp.
  6. I think the problem is your computer. I have never seen it act like that.
  7. Ok, my uncle works for a heating/cooling company. He installs heating/cooling systems. He wants to take a microwave oven to work to cook hot pockets for lunch. Is there a safe way to ghetto rigg the microwave to one of those adapter that fit into the cigarette lighter in cars? Is ther and adaper like that that has a plug in on it?
  8. I already knew. Coke did fit, not Mountain Dew. seven syllables
  9. time travel IS possible. you are doing it right now. you can go anywhere in your mind. if you had enough details, u could go back in time.
  10. the cruiser would need surplus food in case of a failure in growing it. i was thinking of modified MREs. they wouldn't have heater packs, because they rely on gravity. i was thinking there would be a few microwave ovens with a metal rod that would be insterted into the MRE. it would draw microwaves into the food and, if needed, it could stir it.
  11. how is polygamy legal according to the US constitution? i don't remember anything about polygamy in the constitution.
  12. Kitty likes to eat. His favorite drink is Coke. Number 8 will lose.
  13. energy and matter are different forms of ths same thing, so i'd say it would happen. actually, it does happen.
  14. ydoaPs


    how does the origional mass of stem cells decide what will be which type of cell?
  15. ydoaPs


    well, this has nothing to do with the thread, so i tried to get back on topic. then, you brought us back. no, i understand. i just rarely ever recieve any evidence to change my view. that which i do is usually extremely weak or irrelivent.
  16. charley was a chemist, but charley is no more. what charley thought was H2O, was H2SO4.
  17. ydoaPs


    it doesn't semm plausible to happen at all. when did the soup of chemicals become "life"?
  18. ydoaPs


    well, u have looked closed minded in my reading of many of ur posts.
  19. i will probably be beaten with spanners for this, but i will say it anyway. star trek enterprise:broken bow
  20. ydoaPs


    why not? it is hard to believe one type of life beat out countless others. beat them to extinction. doesn't sound plausible. edit: i have been here a while and read many of your posts. it appears that you are a closed minded individual. for that, i pity you.
  21. ydoaPs


    new life forms are still being discovered. the lack of life forms that have othe heredity device could be evidence against the spontaneous genesis of life.
  22. ydoaPs


    that assumes the multiple types of life only exist in one area, they are in proximity, and that they use the same rescources. none of that is neccesarily true.
  23. ydoaPs


    u have yet to say why the others would no longer be around
  24. ydoaPs


    if DNA worked better than EVERYTHING else, then there would still be remnants of the other types.
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