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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs


    there would still be more than one. the other wouldn't neccesarily die out. the lifeforms with DNA would just be mor numerous
  2. ydoaPs


    that is like saying one thing selects for us and every other spiecies becomes extinct. it doesn't work like that.
  3. ydoaPs


    who is the "he"? that was my question.
  4. ydoaPs


    there would still be more than one type, unless something selected with EXTREME prejudice.
  5. they wouldn't be able to tell the difference
  6. ydoaPs


    if life arose in this manner, then would there not be billions of different types of life(not species, types)? like cells that don't use DNA or RNA, but something else all togather.
  7. i just posted this on http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?p=75162#post75162 . gravity may not be gravitons or gravity waves, it may be another form of matter/energy.
  8. gravity could be another manefestation of the thing we call matter or energy (depending on its form), but that is just an idea.
  9. ydoaPs


    what the hell was that about?
  10. ydoaPs


    differentiation as in a zygote. stem cells turning into other types of cells. ring any bells?
  11. ydoaPs


    huh? that has nothing to do with differentiation.
  12. "a lot", not "allot." it would be correct if you said "do you allot much time to come up with those?".
  13. Where did Haiku go? No one ever posts on here. What makes it that way?
  14. standard model answer= that is the way it is string theory answer= the vibrational pattern of the string(s)/brane(s)
  15. what is the difference? are ten men weaker because of the lack of daylight?
  16. i would consider tachyons to be matter, but tachyons usually mean something is wrong with a theory. anyway how could something have imaginary mass?
  17. interesting thought about possible other forms besides matter and energy.
  18. that's exactly what i was trying to say.
  19. that is actually pretty much how i got it. it should be on a thread somewhere. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1263&page=4 broadband to my coffin, how did u know?
  20. out of the two ads i have clicked on, two of them were total crap. are all of them like that on this site?
  21. isn't matter just a form of energy and vice versa?
  22. http://www.thegreatestsecret.com/NewsClip1.htm this came from one of the ads at the top of the site. so, who are the scientists that agree on this crap?
  23. my name was cut off (. it is supposed to be "yourdadonapogostick." the people in my school aren't very mature. they would always say "ur mom" so i decided to b different and said "ur dad." being the trendsetter that i am, people started saying "ur dad", so i decided to add something differnt to it. i added "on a pogo stick." since then, i have used "yourdadonapogostick" as a screen name for several things. i previously was "Ezra Maliki."
  24. sounds like him
  25. the cosmological constant was einstien's antigravitaional force to keep the universe static. dark energy is the MODERN version of it in which it is much stronger making up for the extra speed. in the future, read a post before you comment on it.
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