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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. how doesn't dark matter follow the laws of physics?(and which ones?) dark energy is the modern version of the cosmological constant.
  2. space=big renege
  3. dark energy may not exist. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4747&page=1
  4. area 51 is real. the US government admitted it in the early ninties. the aliens are still here for the coverup. the pyramids were built to show off to other aliens, but they weren't that impressed. the native peoples of africa saw the aliens build them, so theymade several records of the event. tragically, all records were stolen or destroyed by the aliens in attempt to keep up thier coverup. there is your proof. it was destroyed or stolen.
  5. it is still appropriate. you have said nothing that makes it innapropriate for low energies.
  6. ok, why is it only appropriate to use at high energies?
  7. they are in the hanger, duh
  8. it is all part of the alien coverup. how do u explain the crashed ship at area 51?
  9. terran rule. the only bad part is, they are the easy levels
  10. are you saying the video of aliens building the pyramids is fake?
  11. ydoaPs


    who r the vips? what makes them so important? how did they become vips? what r the perks of bein a vip?
  12. i guess u got a point, but i have it for pc
  13. lucid, it has a half life of 2000 years, not 200. i got a multiverse transfer closed time-like curves technology time machine for my birthday. my dad works at the factory that makes them. the aliens came to Earth and made them so that they could show off to aliens from other planets, but the other aliens weren't impressed. the aliens that built the pyramids were so embarrassed, they made the whole "egyptian" cover up that is still in use today. putting bush in office was a good move, because people would never suspect someone so dumb as being an alien.
  14. can you post a link for said theory
  15. could we have a list that gets updated at the introduction of each new one?
  16. i cannot be paid by the egyptions, for they do not nor ever existed. u are being paid by the aliens to keep up the egyptian facade. i recently sneeked into an alien craft and accessed thier computer. it had detailed descriptions of how they built the pyramids on Earth, Earth's moon, and Mars. They also built the face on Mars. they are in charge of a massive coverup which invokes the use of the fictional "egyptions."
  17. there were no egyptions. they were aliens. they are from Antar. after a war, remnants of the losing side moved to Earth. they are the operators of UFOs. every president we have had has been one of them, so the aliens can make sure no one knows about them. well, i know and i will tell the world.
  18. pryamids on the moon? get a telescope. "The Alien Agenda" by Jim Marrs. that book uses newer pictures. such taken people are rarely intoxicated. there are several government files saying extraterestrials DO exist. not only the declassified yet blacked out US documents, but KGB documents that aren't blacked out. do some research. hard evidence, like a crashed ship? go to nevada
  19. i said it was hard, not impossible. the egyptions had very primitive trigonomatry. you never explained about the ones on other planets or the Earth's moon. aliens do exist. i see them all the time. my town is full of them and very few of them speak english. the non-english speaking ones need to go back to mexico. there is evidence of extraterrestrials. there are several ancient paintings and stories. i saw something on the history channel where it was talking about aliens in the bible. what about the sumarian text describing how the aliens came and gave them knowlege. there are several people to this day that get "taken" by said extraterrestrial beings.
  20. ydoaPs

    Human Extinction

    what do u want to do leave everyone to be burned? eventually, everyone that is alive at that time will have to be moved or they will no longer be alive.
  21. bloodhound, u r always completely useless. lolly roffles
  22. that is wat i thought (i was talkin bout cap's post)
  23. Aliens made the pyramids. They form the constellation Orion. Without the ability to fly, they would have a hard time checking thier work. There are also pyramids on the Earth's moon and on mars. How did the egyptions make those?
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