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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs


    any more?
  2. ydoaPs


    ok, i heard that bollocks is like "crap", but dog's bollocks is good. what is the deal? could someone make a list of british words and phrases for the americans?
  3. that would b bad SPAG.
  4. Bloodhound is a dork. He sux at doin Haiku. He is a moron.
  5. querquedule=duck ****
  6. how do u get to the top _______ lists?
  7. he said "No YOU'RE a think.", not "No YOU'RE, I think"
  8. absurd=extrasense fence
  9. i aint no gonna change mys english fo yous guys
  10. nu uh. me only use good spag in schizool, yo.
  11. aww, a thread about me. how thoughtful. lolly roffles
  12. y should i? yes i do well on the english.
  13. there are these things called grades
  14. they know the material. personally, i do very well on them. i do better than 97 percent of the country
  15. the counterweight is much more than the wieght of the small ship. and nanotubes are stronger than steel.
  16. i know several really smart kids that are bad at tests and do badly
  17. Phi does this all day. He is in love with Haiku. Phi is a loser.
  18. go up the carbon nanotube ribbon to a space station and launch from a electromagnetic track. that would really save fuel and money.(after the station is already built)
  19. standardized testing is pointless. the only thing it can tell you is how good you are at taking standardized tests.
  20. noine have them. they have ceribral ganglion.
  21. I did not do it. I posted it for a friend. told u it's not mine.
  22. o. i forgot. i have called u Fagel 4 so long.
  23. no, it's Fagel My name is Nick.
  24. Bob Dole=third person not much fun
  25. yugoslavian dinar= crap hole big pole
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