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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. What haiku SWAT team? I did not know there was one? Who plagiarized?
  2. there is a joke forum? i thought it was a thread.
  3. wasn't my haiku I enjoy going to school. School is kinda fun.
  4. thanx sayo
  5. we need a bush bubble for stuff like that
  6. all cog does is react to voice tone
  7. btw, lycanthropes don't change, they are always "werewolves"
  8. there was a basis for vampires and people drink blood. some cults even go with the pointy teeth and coffins, but that is another thread. google Lycanthropy. that should give you information on "werewolves".
  9. there it is. you were around it your whole life. you just saw your parents and emulated it.
  10. here's my argument: 1.) there are "werewolves" in a manner of speaking. 2.) mermaids are an invention of the imagination
  11. what the bloody hell are you talking about? on a side note, has anyone noticed that my posts are often the start of tangents?
  12. that is not true. have u ever learned about those cults? what if a person had all of those diseases and was in one of the cults; would they be a "vampire"?
  13. I personally like asian, russian, and middle eastern women.
  14. why do you say vampires HAVE to be fictional? there are people with extreme sensitivity to light, people that are allergic to garlic, people with iron deficiency (especially females), and people that drink blood.
  15. werewolves. lycanthropes have a genetic trait that causes them to have hair all over thier bodies. People were scared of them and made stories.
  16. shouldn't this be pseudoscience?
  17. ydoaPs


    there are people that kill people and drink thier blood. do you consider them vampires? http://scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4758&page=2&pp=20 http://www.cnn.com/US/9802/27/vampire.slayings/ http://www.vampyres.com/portal/modu...hp?op=view&t=70 http://www.trancenet.org/groups/news/9808.shtml http://www.factnet.org/cult_danger_growing.html?FACTNet
  18. killing people and drinking thier blood doesn't make you a vampire? what if one of them has those diseases? would you consider that person a "real" vampire?
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