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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs

    String Theory

    you said that wasn't the right place for it. what makes you think i am talking about jakiri's post?
  2. that is why u delete PMs. anyone who has over a hundred posts that need to be deleted in one day needs to be banned.
  3. ydoaPs


    cell theory makes it contradictory. i don't think a piece of random RNA in a lipid bubble counts as life. there was no metabolism or reproduction capabilities
  4. it doesn't look like a keyboard shift.
  5. I downloaded it, but Spyware keeps coming back. Spyware really sux.
  6. Spyware really sux. It won't let me click on links. I don't like Spyware.
  7. ydoaPs

    String Theory

    I think it was deleted, but I'll look for it.
  8. for a beginner, i would suggest the last few seasons of TNG. it is on SpikeTV.
  9. ydoaPs

    String Theory

    that link didn't help me much.
  10. ydoaPs

    String Theory

    thanx, I think it is spyware. i have two programs to remove it, but it comes back.
  11. i don't think it is a keyboard shift.
  12. ydoaPs

    String Theory

    could you type out the address? my computer still wont let me click on links.
  13. Why are we not supposed to answer questions using M/String Theory?
  14. When you delete a post/thread, could you PM the person that wrote the post/thread to tell them which post/thread and why it was deleted?
  15. ydoaPs


    the first cell
  16. ydoaPs


    part of cell theory is "cells only come from other cells". i was not confusing it with cell membrane. i was talking about these bubbles of lipids that my bio book said cells evolved from.
  17. ydoaPs


    Last year I had to take a bio class. Early in the book, it talks about Cell Theory. In second semester it talked about cells evolving from bubbles of lipids(it had a name for them, but i don't remember it). They aren't compatible. Which one is in the standard model for biology?
  18. so, the atoms are only entangled until they are disurbed? I was under the impression that if you disturbed one, the other would be disturbed in the same fashion.
  19. I was told that string theory was not to be used to explain anything on SFN. Why is that?
  20. ydoaPs


    that doesn't answer the question. "junk" DNA does stuff, no one know what it is, but when it is removed, the results aren't pretty.
  21. ydoaPs


    are the active genes more than those of the y chromosome?
  22. ydoaPs


    link please. go ahead and take a stick to them. i would tell you who "they" are, but i do not remember. i wasn't interested in genetics or biology in any way so i didn't care. if it were up to me, i wouldn't have even been there. i would have gladly went to Strings instead.
  23. ydoaPs


    really? well, at Genetic Conference 2004, they said it was the whole chromosome. yes i have heard of codominant genes. it was early last semester.
  24. ydoaPs


    no, in females too. they only use 1 x chromosome.
  25. ydoaPs


    wow, it is transmitted by females. whoopedy do.
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