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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. how do you know it isn't infinite or have infinite matter and energy?
  2. Bob Lazzar (funny guy) said UFOs have three grav generators that use element 115 (an element which was recently created and lasted for 90 nanoseconds)
  3. yes, it is illogical
  4. movies are 25 frames per second to simulate motion.
  5. I know what you mean. He is a crazy mo fo. What is his problem?
  6. it was just fancy entanglement
  7. i think i t is feaasible. have the robot intake nutrients and oxygen. gave artificial red blood cells pumped to and from the brain.
  8. all they did was give one atom the properties of another. they did not teleport anything.
  9. i suppose that if it has nutrients and oxygen, it would work.
  10. how do you teleport things? use a rocket. then throw nukes out the back and detonate them. sure it will take a while to get there, but after that, information exchange will be instant.
  11. the office number is (317) 398-9731. they might fed ex them to you if you ask.
  12. my high school just got a new set of algebra 2, precalc/trig, and AP calc books. i guess that wouldn't help you much unless u lived near my school.
  13. entangle them in one place and then put one in the place you want to later communicate with
  14. the discovery channel said that it was the number of connections that determines intelligence, not size. sorry, but i do not remember which program
  15. try the companies that make them
  16. i think u thought it would sink to the bottom because it is denser than a vacuum. there would be nothing for it to be denser than. and that only applies within the effects of gravity, say on a planet. the gas would diffuse, unless it was an enormous ammount, then it would clump togather do to it's own gravity
  17. ok, if there was gas in it, it wouldn't be a vacuum. why would it sink to the bottom?
  18. y wouldn't it make new connections if it was cut off from the body? the "magic box" could input fake senses (like a "matrix" if u will) and then it should develop normally.
  19. probly. they are always showin old crap
  20. I JUST saw, on the science channel, this guy hooked his brain up to a computer and could control the mouse.
  21. the body would be extremely weak from lack of use. extreme atrophy exept it wasn't all that developed to begin with.
  22. Don't u people watch movies? Aliens did it. The gods were really aliens. Same thing with the Myans, Sumarians, and several other civilizations.
  23. Extra must have been banned from postin here. It seems like something he would be into.
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