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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. beside the force field that keeps us from going through objects, we have an EM field. which one were you talking about?
  2. what is the reputation system?
  3. so, i should just stick wit my TI83+ ? I am thinking about going to Wal-mart and trading it for a TI83+ silver eddition.
  4. u can kill ants in a microwave. put a microwave wafe container in the microwave and fill that container with butter. put the ant in the butter.
  5. how is that obtuse? he does have a force field. u do too. so do i
  6. i thought he was an alien in a dog costume? what is his costume supposed to be? and u call him advanced? mouse bunny was closer than advanced.
  7. how much better is this software than a TI83+ ?
  8. ur body has a foce field right now. i hope, or u'd not be sitting in ur chair.
  9. omg, u believe that crap? ur almost as bad as extrasense or would that be worse?
  10. yay. i was right
  11. is the pattern always the same for the same light scource the same distance from the same two slots?
  12. they called gir a mouse bunny. lolly roffles. isn't he supposed to be a dog?
  13. there was a species with three sexes on Enterprise. I believe it was Cogenitor.
  14. Charley was a chemist, but Charley is no more. What Charley thought was H2O, was H2SO4.
  15. don't we do that anyway?
  16. where the bloody hell did u get that?
  17. yea he is. but i don't know why he couldn't dodge the tenticles
  18. no, mr hankey the christmas poo
  19. he would know about it before it was shot.
  20. spidey sense. yes he can
  21. there's a really good place for stuff like that. what's it called... o yeah. I'ts a LIBRARY.
  22. there should be a Professor Chaos avatar
  23. if everyone knoew then he could just be spiderman fulltime. why would he be vulnerable if people knew? only the people that he loved would be. that was addressed in both movies
  24. y wont he be a super hero? just a trainload of people and his gf and best friend know. how does that keep him from helping people?
  25. did u even watch the movie?
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