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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. how do they know where the dark bands will be to place the wires?
  2. what would duct taping your windows do?
  3. i think that subconsciously everyone knows the imediate future. like haven't you ever answered the phone before it rang?
  4. pest=bug mug
  5. using two nuclear thermal rockets, there would be more control, but what if you enter a place where there is too little hydrogen?maybe have suplus H in tanks?
  6. not as much yes they are banned
  7. that's what i said in the first post.
  8. i that that that would be a bad idea because of limited number of bombs. that would need lead or something like it for the shielding. putting a lead shield into space would cost a lot of money
  9. hence the words "crafty genetic engineering"
  10. that kind of propulsion was from the orion project, wasn't it?
  11. well, getting immunity isn't evolution it is the product of your immune system. the genes for sickle cell and malaria immunity have been in the human genome throughout all of history. correct me if i am wrong, but isn't surgury due to our sentience? what needs to be defined in the word history? history is a standard term that everyone older than five knows.
  12. this isn't about homosexuality. it is about why people make posts about homosexuality
  13. See, i was right. It was sentience
  14. there has to be a change in the species
  15. that isn't evolution, we have had those traits thoughout all of history. try again.
  16. how do weed and meat rhyme fork=utensil pencil
  17. We'll never explore space either. We should cut NASA's budget completely.
  18. cock=rooster booster
  19. the one where the collector is where a deflector would be is more efficient, but i like having multiple engines. maybe it should use both kinds.
  20. i am liking cap's idea for propulsion. how about everyone else? i like the nacelle engines, but i also like the deflector engine, because it would be more efficient. life support is easy. just use what is on the ISS and our hydroponics
  21. wings or maybe both, but i am pretty sure wings
  22. specifically. "by changing traits" is a lame answer that doesn't say anything
  23. or "they" could do one with wesley and the traveler or a series about Q
  24. how have we evolved at all in history?
  25. that is just genetic varience. just different shaped eyes, different shades of the same skin pigmentation, and the placement of fat. sentience would change things because we decide what we want to do. we use more than instincts.
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