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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. use lasers on micrometeors? that would be some good lasers and radars.
  2. What about micrometeors? Hide in the bridge? I don't think that would work. There should be several airlocks inside the ship in case of an impact.
  3. I'm pretty sure that it would have to be built in space. It could be built at the ISS.
  4. sounds cool, got a link?
  5. ydoaPs

    Living forever

    thier bones become lese dense, because they don't have the effects of gravity holding them down.
  6. try astronomy/cosmology forum there are a few threads in there. read them
  7. Dyson
  8. never seen Dune. On Star Trek, they move faster than light.
  9. Star trek uses space folding, but they call it warp drive.
  10. I only saw five minutes of Babylon five, then i shot my TV in rage.
  11. Whats hyperspace? Space folding is probably the most feasible.
  12. Any type of shuttlecraft should have a magnetic launching (like a rail gun) to save fuel. That would also be a good way to launch from any moon base.
  13. Well, I didn't know that, numBnut.
  14. Ever see Good Will Hunting? I don't think he had a good parental situation.
  15. No one answered the second part of the first question.
  16. Brian Greene wrote the elegant universe, it wasn't Allen Greene.
  17. Voyager was one of the best. None of them were very good before the third season. Season three of Enterprise was very good, so i think if they keep it going how the loast season did, then it will be a good series.
  18. Its hard to believe that they can punch a hole in the universe or wait so long to get here. In the "authentic" videos, they move fast and in akward ways. maybe they can't drive.
  19. are you talking about superconductors for levetation or deflection of said probe?
  20. How would said cruiser protect itself against meteors and cosmic rays? I suppose it could have that foam used on spacehab for meteors. A berillium and carbon composite would help with the radiation or it could use large electromagnets. Using magnets to collect gas would be impractical. It would take a long time and more fuel to collect enough fuel to use. Unless it collected the gas from our atmosphere on the way up, but that would make a great deal of drag. The entanglement would work instantaneously.
  21. Assuming for a minute that aliens keep coming to Earth, they may have picked up our radio broadcasts and tracked them down to Earth. They could me biologists. There was another thread about searching for alien life, what if that is what they are doing?
  22. So, this is all based on the fact that dictionaries are often circular in thier definitions.
  23. Why do aliens abduct morons? One time I heard something about aliens wanting our water. That is just stupid.
  24. What about phasers. Are they lasers or particle weapons (putting aside photons are particles)? Wouldn't the cruiser be restricted to the Sol system. And it would probably tend to stay near the terrestrial planets. Unless it was a generational ship, in which case, it would need to be larger.
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