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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. Thats a good question. It would be fun, but it might really suck.
  2. It could be an equilibrium for gravity. Gravity in one area equels expansion in another. That was the idea.
  3. Star Trek:First Contact Sparticus Saving Private Ryan We Were soldiers Spiderman 2 Fight Club Shawshank Redemption LOTR (first one) King Arthur First Knight Man Behind the Iron Mask
  4. What are the currrent theories on what causes differentiation?
  5. Gravity is the weakest of the forces.
  6. I think Sayo was talking about the people that will ignore what he said at the conference.
  7. I was thinking more like osmosis or thermal equelibrium.
  8. One object with speed has to have time. It takes time to get from one point to another. Therefore, time is not a human invention. How can humans invent a concept without time.
  9. ok, how can our nervous system work without time?
  10. I have read several threads stating time doesn't exist. I want to see how many think it does and how many don't think that it exists.
  11. I just got an idea. What if there was no Big Bang. WHat if the expansion is the universes answer to gravity. You could say that the universe "wants" equelibrium, so maybe it is just compensating for gravity. I haven't anywhere near thought this all the way out yet.
  12. ydoaPs


    In case you haven't noticed, we are back to our present time. What caused the time warp thing?
  13. If it was a higher paying job, then more idiots would be teachers too. Most of my teachers just read the newspaper and give us a test every few days.
  14. Admirl is trying to deny that he said heat shields are used for pressure by pointing out my bad typing skills. Wow, thats mature.
  15. It is about money. NASA is cheap. They won't pay for it. Even if the heat shielding did block radiation, it doesn't cover all of any vessel.
  16. You don't need time to have distance. For example, from my finger tip to my elbow is about one cubit.
  17. The walls on the Apollo craft are basically as thick as the skin on a school bus. As far as i know, the heat shields that are currently used provide little if any protection from gamma rays.
  18. That is a direct quote from one of your posts. It is in context too.
  19. You will all watch Adult Swim weekday nights.
  20. Yeah. Right.
  21. I never said that. Read the thread again.
  22. Sayonara said "Given that "there" is likely to be very, very, very far away, and that detection technology is likely to advance considerably faster than interstellar travel, I disagree." Which implies that we should look for life on planets using telescopes. That makes no sensse.
  23. diesel=fuel fool
  24. The silicate that is currently used is by far mostly air. it breaks if you touch it wrong. Fire paste is much more durable. I have no clue about gamma rays.
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