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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. How are we gonign to tell that life is out there if we can barely see the extrasolar planets?
  2. Why doesn't NASA use firepaste instead of thier current heat shields? It is lighter, cheaper, and works better.
  3. We probably won't be able to find exraterrestrial life until we can go there.
  4. It does make sense. I told Fagel to use punctuation because he isn't making any sense.
  5. minging=chop Aesop
  6. When you talked about how life "COULDN'T" do certain things.
  7. Tritium is on some periodic tables. They vary slightly. Some have the first few isotopes or uses or something else.
  8. Fagel, use punctuation.
  9. The first one was to Sayonara. The second was to Admiral. The third one was to Jordan. Read post #145. The last was to help illustrate your point. Not only are we not looking everywhere or on all frequensies, but they may not even be using radio waves.
  10. The better question is "How aren't they inventions?" You think that seconds, minutes, hours, ect. are natural?
  11. You may not have said it, but you implied it. Read your posts again. When did NSA start using heat shields for pressure? Why do you assume that there would be something not just right. Why would they have to use radiowaves? Maybe they started using something else.
  12. There would still be distance.
  13. You appear to be in that mindset. I have come to that conclusion from multiple threaads. Distance is what separates objects.
  14. It isn't the pressure that destroys the probes. The probes are destroyed by friction.
  15. You are the one that said it.
  16. How is cold fusion the same as a perpetual motion device?
  17. They didn't have any protection. Put electromagnets on them or something. Y would the life in the core plummit through the atmosphere in the first place?
  18. That is boston, not NY or Chi town.
  19. Who said anything about microbal life? There are several varieties of multicellular life at ocean vents.
  20. Measurements of time are inventions. Time is not.
  21. All of you are assuming that all life goes by the same rules as earth. We are made to work on Earth, so we have our own rules. Life in other places will not have the same rules.
  22. I don't know about NY, but in Chi town, they can't do that.
  23. THe controls were torn out of the train.
  24. Yes.
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