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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. It wasn't a subway. It was an L.
  2. The book was stolen. I have looked for it several times after I read it the first time.
  3. To the "whole cold fusion" thing, it has been done. Schrodinger, what is the title and who are the publishers of that cold fusion book at the library?
  4. Then get a periodic table
  5. It was tritium. You just are too stupid to understand that tritium is an isotope of hydrogen that has an atomic weight of three.
  6. What three?
  7. What is "tridium?"
  8. There wasn't enough tritium for that long of a burn. They drowned the bloody reactor. That would have made the situation A LOT worse. Radiation alone would have split the water. Then the H would have been fused. The reactor wasn't in a vaccum. There wasn't enough gravity to make the reaction a sphere. Even if there was, it wouldn't have been a sphere because of the Earth's gravitational influence.
  9. mortuary=home of the dead red
  10. Family Guy!!!!!!!! Yeah!
  11. Explain it again. And if u use an analogy make it a relevant one this time. How has the universe in any way demonstrated that, macroscopically, it can be the same place as another.
  12. That's great. I am the only one here that got that. Here as in physically. I didn't mean here as in the forum.
  13. Be sure to get a good detector, because the electric device probably won't make much of a difference. What device are you plugging in for the test?
  14. With the definition that JaKiri has given, the universes cannot occupy the same place without being the same universe.
  15. South Park kicks ass, but it was never primetime.
  16. How do I misunderstand the English constructs?
  17. No, this is very stupid. As Cap likes to say, "Give me proof or give me death."
  18. ok, my thing about string theory wasnt clear. i meant to say that they are interconnected. electrons and universes have diffferent properties, so what makes you think they can occupy the same space? the only way my chihuahua and i can occupy the same space is if i eat him. see, once u get macroscopic things r different.
  19. how can space and another space take up the same space without being the same entity? expalin it to me. the only thing close to it was that elelctron thing, yet the electrons aren't universes and they r in space.
  20. m-theory is part of string theory and vice versa
  21. Q was humanoid once. He lost his powers and was kicked out of the continuum
  22. rum=good hood "Why is the rum gone?... Yes, but why is the rum gone?"
  23. wat happened to the "no string theory bcuz it hasn't been proved yet?"
  24. how can two "spaces" fit in one "space"
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