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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. but electrons r particles, not universes wat u r saying is like if i say i can read, so my dog can
  2. Zap is worse than Zim. And Zim is a real moron
  3. I actually write very well in a formal manner.
  4. screw=fun done
  5. how can they be distinct without being separated by your definition?
  6. Zap can't do nething. he is a moron
  7. its called the internet. u dont use formal writing on the internet unless u r writing a scientific paper or running a website or somethin like that i'll have u know I get all A's in English
  8. look at your eirlier definition of universe and u tell me
  9. then how r they gonna be not separated and still be different entities?
  10. your posts were based on your obsession with money and assumption that all life has the same rules that earth life does. then u start saying 1+1=1
  11. or u guys haven't read wat i have written. i think u guys close your minds to anythin gu don't want to hear. u did the same thing on "Dark Energy"
  12. ok, how r they gonna be separated without the use of distance, huh?
  13. u said that a universe is the extent that is physically possible to reach. if two universes have 0 distance between them due to 0 amount of space between them, then they are touching. therefore, they r the same universe
  14. ok, u just said that the universes r the same.
  15. wat determines an elementary particle's charge, mass, spin, ect. is thier vibrational frequency. baryons are composed of quarks
  16. how else r they gonna be separated?
  17. thats wat I am saying. how can they be separated by nothing. there would be no distance between them, therefore they would be touching. (unless u r talking about brane theory in which there is a 2 or 3 dimensional sort of buffer zone) the more i think about the computer analogy, the dumber it seems
  18. I already told u.
  19. but how would they be separated if there were no space between them?
  20. no, this is AA. Antisemetism is down the hall. is there a list of characters? if so, a link to it plz
  21. what r u talkin about and wat r ICT privileges?
  22. i thought that was u. dont look becuz we couldn't survive there?
  23. dark matter is probably planets, asteroid belts, moons, comets, ect.
  24. no, viruses r not alive. they have no metabolism. they need liveing cells to replicate. they have no cellular organization. they r not alive. an experiment was done in which viruses were crystalized proving they r chemicals. they r broken dna/rna that have been covered in a protien coat. that is why they r usually very specific to species
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