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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. it didn't teleport, it changed the properties of the other atom. if you were to say rip off an electron, the other would also lose an electron
  2. i was doing research for an english paper my freshman year, and in a book (i don't remember which one), i saw that an ancient gilded model airplane was found. the people who found it made a larger model and it was a good glider. this isn't the first incident of technology in ancient times. the iraqi battery? there is even evidence to support that the people in ancient egypt had light bulbs. there was hieroglyphics describing it and scientists followed the description and made one. it worked
  3. again, how could universes collide? how could there be more than one? (assuming there r more than 1, what would be betweem. there wouldn't be any space, how would that work? forget it, this is complete lunacy.) someone explain universe in a fashion to where there can be more than one. every definition i have heard is that it is the full extent of the four extended dimensions.
  4. flail=move groove
  5. u don't like "Pieman"?
  6. you can train any animal to do things. positive reinforcement for when it does good, punishment for whenit does bad. that doesn't mean it is intelligent
  7. thats a big diagram
  8. "I found the switch, but where's the blade?"--Homer Simpson I had one on here and it was deleted. who did it and why?
  9. sinister=left handed stranded
  10. there are a not-inconsiderable number of researchers of string theory, yet u guys crap all over them
  11. u don't have majors in england?
  12. u have a tendancey to infer things that aren't implied
  13. tng just went to the same places all the time (Earth, romulan neutral zone, klingon neutral zone, to and from and said empires.) yet they call themselves explorers. yes they did go to the delta quadrant, but not of thier own free will
  14. i didn't say that either
  15. there is no proof that nething but humans r intelligent. it is only speculation
  16. well u have ur opinion and i have mine. i don't know about England, but in the US, we are entitled to have whatever opinion we want.
  17. i have the bbc on digital cable. wat day and time is it on? i could see if i get it
  18. i mean season 3. u know, with the xindi. it was actually strucured and had a direction. not only were there episode to episode arcs, there was a season arc
  19. when and where is it on?
  20. i said enterprise bcuz of the last season. i would have said they all rule, but ds9 sux
  21. the saa (south atlantic anomaly) is pretty interesting. it is a big dip in the magnetic field of the earth.
  22. wat makes u think the metabolism will be the same. metabolism is the sum of all chemical proccesses in an organism
  23. TBS. but they stared out primetime, thats y they r called primetime cartoons
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