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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. gravity isn't a dimension. and u r way off. sorry
  2. so, u r mad bcuz i didn't put "WARNING: THIS CAN'T BE PROVEN" at the top of the post?
  3. who said they it has to be at similar pressure to us or life in the ocean? as i said b4, life has proven to be in every extreme.
  4. what you are talking about is the four extended dimensions. and is that or is that not everything? therefore universe lives up to its name. there are two configurations for the dimensions. calibi-yau manifolds or brane theory. brane is separated a little bit by if u want ten or eleven dimensions. but it goes like this: there are two four-dimensional "realities" less than a milimeter apart separated by two (or three depening on the string theory) dimensions
  5. the core of jupiter is supposed to be liquid H (because of pressure, not temp). maybe it would have started as a fin, then turned into a wing. and that wing got a claw to aid in feeding. or we could skip the flight all togather and go from fin to claw
  6. how can i prove it to be fact when it is beyond practical experimentaion? I can see that you wont even consider it until i prove it, so what do you want me to do, place a telescope in orbit around a black hole and see how fast the universe is expanding from that reference frame and compare it to what i would find here?
  7. then what is your definition of universe?
  8. "There is no way that life on a gas giant could be similar to us" is pure speculation too. It is based on no proof.
  9. u arn't even going to consider it are you? ok, actual experimentation. how can i experiment it?
  10. i dont understand how there can be more than one everything(unless u r talking about brane theory in which there is a four dimensional "reality" less than a milimeter away separtaed from us by two dimensions)
  11. why? a different set of mutations and selections could have caused similar life in very dissimilar environments
  12. What Einstien did was mental experiments. i suggest u do your own. use these facts: spacetime is expanding gravity contracts spacetime contracted time runs relatively slower than time that isn't contracted different observers percieve the same event defferently imagine yourself as two observers. one on a planet and one in the space between two clusters of galaxies. see what happens
  13. how can there be more than one universe. define a universe if it isn't the extent of the four unfurled dimensions? I am not being sarcastic or anything, i just want to know.
  14. i already said it wouldn't be identical. there have been terrestrial extrasolar planets detected. who's to say if life can exist on a gas giant? we haven't even looked. and what about the moons of those giants?
  15. Did Einstien test? no, that was done mostly after his death. It's not crazy, it is a logical use of relativity on a proven fact.
  16. admiral, http://extrasolar.net is a small archive of extrasolar planets. i didn't say any star, i said almost every star that has been searched for planets
  17. our technology hasn't progressed far enough to see many extrasolar terrestrial planets. no one said the life or conditions would be identical. we don't need identical conditions (even though there will be), because lefe has proven to exist anywhere on our planet. in every extreme where it was thought life couldn't exist, we found it. and the only reason the only proof we have is possibly fossilized microbes is that that we haven't left the syestem. we haven't even checked the most logical place for life to exist other than earth (Europa).
  18. JaKiri, there are hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy billions of galaxies that we can see (don't forget that we can't see most of the universe). almost every star that a has been searched for a planet has had one and we aren't even that good at it yet. of those possibly countless planets, there has to be life. it is a mathematical certianty (i can't remember the formula for it though). and u think that there is no other intelligent life exists in the universe? u might as well label yourself an anthropolater.
  19. "Fabric of the Cosmos"--brian greene
  20. hey fagel, atom doesn't fit the definion, but universe does
  21. the second is wat i was talking about on my tangent
  22. similar, not congruent. they would have appendages with thumbs and they would have heads and me at least bipedal (some form of motion, right? maybe they would just be winged. nah that wing thing is stupid) ok forget bilaterality then. theyw ould still be similar
  23. hey fagel, learn the meaning of the word universe. uni=one vers=truth e=noun universe=one truth the universe means everything and dont say atom a=not tom=cut atom=indivisible ,because the definition of the universe as i have seen in books, magazines, ect. is everything (the extent of the estended dimensions)
  24. what does gravity and distance form star have to do with thumbs or cephalization? and every creature with a brain is bilateral so, that makes sense too
  25. my bio book and common sense. they would need thumbs to build a ship. and cephalization for a brain as we know it.
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