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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. how can there be a barrier if there is no space beyond said barrier?
  2. who are u saying is wrong me or cap?
  3. i stated that earlier
  4. wello, I'm 16 and a hs student that loves string/m-theory and is going to take a physics class for seniors next fall (I will be a Junior). So far, I've known more science than all of my science teachers so, i hope this wont be that way.
  5. Math is fun because u can do things that you can't do in reality. ex.1) Assymtotes how in reality can one object approach another forever without the two objects meeting? ex.2) Negative Distance how can point A be closer to point B than point B is to itself?
  6. Astronomy = stars, cosmology = planets, nebulea, asteroids, etc. ?
  7. i know etymology, i just want to know wat the difference is because this thread is in "Astronomy and Cosmology". so wat is the difference?
  8. What is the difference between astronomy and cosmology?
  9. it is a fact. maybe u should look it up.
  10. speed of light changes according to what it is traveling in
  11. the Earth and the moon orbit a point betwwen them. The sun and earth orbit a point between them.
  12. ydoaPs


    that doesn't help
  13. space is expanding into nothing, because there is no space for which it to expand into.
  14. there is no edge. if you go in one direction long enough, then you will end up back where u started.
  15. Both the Earth and the moon of Earth orbit the center of gravity. Same thing with the Sun and Earth, only it is a different center of gravity.
  16. yeah
  17. ydoaPs


    what is the definition of "universe"? I always thought that it was everything, but I hear crap about the shape of the universe and stuff aboutother universes. how can there be other universes? In latin, "universe" means "one truth."
  18. the moon doesn't orbit the earth
  19. what I meant was, if we had no knowledge of the properties of particles, then string teory would have predicted them
  20. it WOULD have predicted the masses and acharges of elementary particles, but we already knew them. the properties found by string theory were correct
  21. Time is one of the eleven dimensions and causes the interval between events. it does exist because it can warp. it does warp, therefore it is.
  22. what is wrong with string theory?
  23. string theory is part of m-theory. m-theory combines all string theories into one
  24. there are proving to be more and more planets and we aren't very good at looking for them yet so, maybe dark matter is planets, moons, asteroids, comets, ect.
  25. for the eleven dimensions we invoke the mighty powers of calibi-yau manifolds
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