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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. By Modus Tollens, yes, it would be.
  2. I thought most induction cookers are already temperature controlled.
  3. I just heard Ann Romney (on The View) equate Mormon mission work to military service. As a US veteran, that makes me a bit perturbed.
  4. Ah, yes. I forgot about the fact that men don't have families.
  5. This post at ScienceBlogs suggests that (if asymptotic safety works) the discovery of the Higgs Boson at the energy it was discovered falsifies all supersymmetric theories.
  6. What expertise, exactly, do you bring to the table?
  7. What is Romney's stance on pay equality? In the debate, his "answer" was to tell a story which launched a thousand "binder" memes. Internet jokes aside, not only does it not indicate he is in favor of pay equality for women, that his story was a lie may indicate the opposite. It turns out that his "binders full of women" were created by a bipartisan commission before he even took office and was then pushed on him. While he did use the binders forced on him to hire women, none of the major positions were filled by women. I don't see how anyone can vote for Romney; there's literally no way to know what his position is from day to day.
  8. Yet somehow, one party lies far more often and severely than the other. And their followers repeat the lies even after being corrected. Any guess which party that would be?
  9. Yes, it appears they are.
  10. Still missing from this thread: derivation of the "proper" equations so that we can compare answers to the data and see which is more accurate
  11. You underlined the wrong part. I added the emphasis where it needs to be. Can you guess what we see in nature even now?
  12. What was his lie?
  13. Yes, that's what I meant to ask.
  14. What are the points of contention? From my scanning the thread, it seems that rigney (as usual) has nothing but the falsehoods FOX pumps out.
  15. Hmmm.....you should let the entire academic Philosophy community know this. Any other revelations for academia?
  16. I didn't know threads worked like that. Who invited you to my thread?
  17. Be rational; we're on a tangent.
  18. Since those two are off about grammar, this is really more of a cotangent.
  19. Actually, at one point, Alex was playing around with permissions, and I had access for about 10 minutes. I know all of your dirty secrets.
  20. Protip: Only considering cases where only one thing is different than our current universe is why Fine Tuning is based on crap analysis. What this paper does is pluck a universe out of the possibility space and show that it can be substantially different from our own and still have the same chemistry. This means that the Fine Tuning claim that the universe has to be one within a vary narrow band of possibilities is wrong.
  21. How about the false and plagiarized embryology in the Qur'aan?
  22. If it's the same place they had Sheldon tested, you may want to get a refund on that test.
  23. Case study: your mom
  24. All your memes are belong to us.
  25. Indeed. It's a strict liability offense. If you have it (even if someone put it on your hard drive without your knowledge or consent), you're guilty.
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