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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. A nonsensical opinion at that.
  2. You're wrong; It was extraterrestrials! Spontaneous remission
  3. There are possible worlds in which God does not exist, therefore God it not necessary. Yes, from nature. We evolved as a social species, If you look at all of the moral behviour that transcends culture, it usually isn't limited to our species. These universal moral behaviours all have obvious evolutionary pressures for social species. No, they don't. Yes The primordial matter didn't "come from" anywhere. The total amount of mass-energy in the universe has always been the same. There was never a time when it wasn't what it is. I like your "You can't explain this except that you can, therefore God" approach.
  4. As Tim Minchin would say, you "significantly underestimate the total number of things". If something has a one in a million chance of occurring and it's given ten billion tries, it'd be a miracle if it DIDN'T happen! And for your enjoyment:
  5. It's still way smaller than Windows 7, though.
  6. I was thinking the same thing. We seem to be getting a bit of word salad lately.
  7. That's odd. Most Linux distributions have far smaller requirements than Windows. For instance, the RAM requirements for Ubuntu (one of the most popular distributions) is one third of the RAM requirements of Windows 7. Windows 7 Requirements: 1GHz processor 1GB RAM 16GB HD Ubuntu Requirements: 700MHz processor 384MB RAM 5GB HD What are you doing on Linux that makes it put out x amount of thermal energy? How much is put out when you do the same tasks in Windows?
  8. Yes. Everyone knows the only lucky article of clothing is the "tighty-whitey".
  9. So you didn't read your confidentiality disclosure?
  10. After the events during that last party, there probably should be!
  11. [math]\frac{dy}{dx}=\lim_{\delta{x}\rightarrow{0}}\lim_{\delta{y}\rightarrow{0}}\frac{\delta y}{\delta x}[/math] It's another way of writing [math]f'(x)=\lim_{h\rightarrow{0}}\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}[/math] which is the definition of a derivative. I'm not sure you actually understand what is going on when you're doing calculus. It's all about the rate of change (or slope if you're looking at it graphically) of a function. This should be very intuitive, but your questions seem to indicate that you're just trying to force raw calculation without understanding what you're doing. I'd suggest slowing down and maybe using a different text.
  12. Actually, they do.
  13. It seems to be a false analogy. Corporations don't have the employees vote on the actions they take.
  14. Most improved? Do I get a sticker or something? I like stickers.....especially the shiny ones.
  15. Someone needs to convince her to come back. Not just for the cleaning, but also for the general awesomeness.
  16. Especially during a full moon.
  17. Maybe God can flip the Earth to make a story consistent, but can he make a solar eclipse during a full moon?

  18. Indeed. Look at the map coordinates for the eclipse you're talking about.
  19. Not unless Israel is south of the Equator.
  20. Here is a list of the eclipses in the 1st century AD.
  21. If it helps, the eclipse was around noon. I'd post a Fry face, but I *am* sure.
  22. It actually is a trick question. You can't have an eclipse during a full moon.

  23. As a funny aside, we even have an oddly specific traditional date for the creation of the universe. YHWH is said to have created the universe on October 23, 4004BC at 9AM. I think it was a Tuesday.
  24. Does the traditional date match the criteria put forth in the Gospels? We also have a traditional date for Christmas, but it doesn't match what the Gospels say. Christianity has had a habit of stealing holidays from pagans.
  25. Really? I thought there were stat points, D-100s, and attribute modifiers involved.
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