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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. I think you can get HeLa cheap from private companies too.
  2. It's earlier than much of the New Testament, actually. It's on par with the Gospel of John. It's earlier than Timothy, Titus, James, and 2 Peter.
  3. I don't think that the analogy holds as I'll explain below. I've seen it argued that it WOULD make a massive impact on the way one learns trig. It is more intuative and elegant. We use the circle constant by the radius rather than the diameter, so why not use the circle constant that is based on the radius rather than the diameter? Tau is conceptually more intuative in that it represents one whole rotation(or *gasp* turn). It makes learning trig easier as it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to learn angles in terms of half rotations. Oh, and it's awesomely elegant for one reason: [math]e^{{\tau}i}=1[/math] ties together e, the circle constant, i, and 1 without manipulation. Well, that actually has a little bit of manipulation as it really is [math]e^{{\tau}i}=1+0[/math] which ties together e, the circle constant, i, 1, and 0 far more naturally than if you would use pi. So, like I said, your analogy doesn't quite hold since changing the letter e is neither conceptually more simple nor more elegant. Having said all that, however, it is still a simple substitution at the end of the day.
  4. Not exactly Tacitus doesn't count? This passage is not only secular but it is also early (~115CE, iirc).
  5. iirc, urine is sterile.
  6. Like, I can see that there's suppoed to be a button there, but there isn't. It is the same as the banner. I had to disable javascript. The dropdown became tabs. Now I an log in and access the new content feature.
  7. When using SFN mobile via the kindle, that simply takes you to to forum index.
  8. While it is indeed possible to post from kindle on the normal version of the site (I am doing it now), I find that the mobile version looks much cleaner on the kindle. That being said, I have some issues with the mobile version which force me to use the stndard version. 1. I cannot figure out how to log in or reply to posts. 2. I cannot figure out how to view new content. Using mobile now: if I log in using the normal version, I can post. I still, however, cannot figure out how to find all new content via SFN mobile.
  9. Ok, I was stupid. I won't not write down my serial numbers upon buying electronics again. Now that that's out of the way, any help? Last night both of my computers were stolen. While I did not write down the serial numbers, I did, however, register both of them. Is there any way to use the fact that I registered them to recover the serial numbers? One is a Macbook Pro and the other is an Acer.
  10. They didn't actually slow down the light. The light travelled at c the entire time. It just got absorbed and re-emitted several times. Since there is a delay between the absorption and the re-emission, the net effect is that the light seems to have slowed down as the pulse took longer than c to reach the destination. Poor journalists mistake this for slowing light.
  11. If you already have stuff looked up and whatnot, you may as well post it now as a reference for later at the least. The guy might even read it-who knows?
  12. I'm saying you're the one who is not being logical. If you'd like to make a valid comparison, then I'll discuss this further with you. If not, then we're done. As it stands, you're trying to compare apples and oranges. Any given mutation is likely to have zero effect at all. They are. Go to the Khan Academy I linked to above.
  13. Invalid comparison. The valid comparison is as follows. Which of the following has more potential breeding ability : 1. A winged creature with proto wings which falls and damages itself. 2. A non winged creature which falls and dies.
  14. The Kahn Academy is a good place to start.
  15. The same thing that caused bacteria in Japan to be able to digest nylon-mutations. Not all need survive till procreation for creatures with the mutated gene to become more prevalent in the population than the ones without. The important part is that those with the mutation are more likely to survive a fall at height h than those without. Higher probability of survivors coupled with a large number of occurrences yields more potential mates than their non-winged breeding competitors. The ones which have not had species split off have adapted to their niche so well as to out-compete their mutated competitors.
  16. /me lurks creepily

  17. It didn't die. This allows it to live longer and thus have a higher chance of reproducing than a similar creature with no wings in a similar situation. On a side note, it'd be awesome if you could use the quote feature. We have a tutorial showing how to use many of the site's functions.
  18. Flight is an example of convergent evolution. Insects and birds evolved flight separately. Birds evolved from gliding feathered dinosaurs. If you're going towards the use of "half a wing" (which your previous thread suggests is quite likely), then I'll let Dr Dawkins answer since you're familiar with him:
  19. Welcome, my YEC friend! You might have a better time gaining credibility if you don't post threads which are more or less directly from this list of long-debunked YEC canards and their refutations.
  20. Many people only see the God Helmet in terms of explaining some religious/out of body/alien experiences. I, however, think it might eventually be possible to use the basis of this technology for more constructive uses. Two things to note: 1)The technology creates mental experiences. 2)People remember the experiences. Number two is very relevant here. If we have a complex enough helmet with sophisticated programming, could we not use it to imprint a database on the brain of the user? Given several exposures to the same database imprinting, could this not be used to ultimately upload the database from the computer to the user? One could learn Kung Fu via download without the discomfort of a giant spike through the neck.
  21. o.O I was unaware that advertising interfered with free will. I should write my congressman about this. Thank you for opening my eyes, Trip.
  22. That doesn't really answer anything.
  23. According to Supernatural, souls are quite powerful. In fact, a few extra souls are enough to change an angel into a god.
  24. The Kahn Academy is a good resource and you should start with the maths areas.
  25. You can use the same principle as in the link (I don't see any obvious errors with it) and simply make a more sturdy version.
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