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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. Good luck convincing anyone. You might as well be the guy on here a while back claiming women don't like sex.
  2. no. It's more like an endangered language. The point I think you're trying to make is pretty stupid, by the way. Almost ALL languages are foreign to where they're used now.
  3. American is actually quite similar to English. In fact, they're interchangeable in most instances.
  4. The final speed is zero. If you mean the speed you calculated is the speed right before it contacts the ground, then you have what will be used as the initital speed in this problem. So, you have the two speeds and the stopping distance was given. What can you do with those three variables? Do you have any equations relating them?
  5. Indeed. Earth is perfect for life evolved on Earth just as a hole is a perfect fit for the puddle which resides in it.
  6. ydoaPs may have fooled many humans, if ydoaPs is actually a bot. As for those passing on limited interactions, seuss has fooled and thoroughly confused several irc noobs.
  7. It has been suggested that ydoaPs is just a bot whose primary function is to provide "your mom jokes" and xkcd comics. Fair warning: ydoaPs is not 3-laws compatible.
  8. Having actually been in the military, I don't see this forum as miltaristic at all.
  9. That's essentially my policy. Neg rep is reserved for special occasions, but positive is dished out until I cannot do it anymore. That's one good thing about the new rep system. You alone could make or break someone's reputation, but it would take me a few hits to get someone that much. The new system puts us all on even playing field. Unfortunately, you're no longer notified of the rep and you can no longer give notes on why you liked that post.
  10. You're a meany meany turd face! I've actually seen it used as some sort of retaliatory action when someone has been utterly pwned in argument. In fact, that's part of the reason that person got banned.
  11. So, how about we pass a single payer minimum coverage health insurance bill that satisfies all the requirements of the healthcare reform? That way we can have the awesome plan that would have legitimately been able to be called "Obamacare" without repealing the healthcare reform.
  12. Is there a way to make SFN more Kindle-friendly(like a mobile version or something)?
  13. They're eventually launching a system where you can borrow ebooks from your local library, but I'm not sure how expansive the selection of books or libraries will be.
  14. ydoaPs

    Rapture party

    We can have one of those too. It's the 21st; you'd have to ask Jesus about postponing it.
  15. Have you tried lending books? It seems as though some clever people could put together a network and list who has what book. One could schedule time to have a certain book and take turns borrowing books. This could let a community read a library of books with minimal cost.
  16. Ah, Palin will get elected and accidentally nuke her own country.
  17. Can you change what screens show up when you put your kindle to sleep?
  18. I don't think it would cause earthquakes as it takes so frakkin long to occur.
  19. So, given that it's possible to have a mouth of an Einstein-Rosen bridge on the singularity side of an event horizon, it would work? This technology might present us with other uses as well. The gravity coming out of our mouth of the bridge should actually be a directional gravitational field! That means we could have several wormholes facing the same way and adjust them to sort of focus the directional gravitation. Since there's black hole strength pulling everything toward it in one direction but not the other, could that be used for transportation? It would definitely solve the problem of micrometeors in the direction of travel.
  20. So, the rapture is in a little over a week. Is anyone doing anything special for it?
  21. Hello, Matt. You seem like such a Maverick. :P

  22. ydoaPs


    I hadn't expected SFN's finest to be quite so Johnny on the spot.
  23. ydoaPs


    So, a typical television(or monitor) has three colours for the pixels-red, green, and blue. How do they produce yellow(a primary colour)? The TV that Sulu advertises might actually do what it says and provide more vibrant colour since it adds in yellow to the typical RGB scheme.
  24. iTunes does indeed have a free section. We will not, however, tell you how to ILLEGALLY download music.
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