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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. It is to the pagan goddess Eostre that I dedicate this thread, in honor of the reason for this holiday which is sadly no longer remembered, and in recognition of the impostor that stands in her stead.
  2. No, you can't delete your account, as that would mess up thread continuity. You can, however, simply never log on again.
  3. Indeed: http://www.scienceforums.net/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=2407
  4. Yes, dinosaurs still exist. I can hear them outside my window.
  5. Some guys at arxiv claim to be able to build a device capable of a MW/cm3.
  6. ydoaPs


    Anyone find problems with the paper yet?
  7. ydoaPs


    April 18th, eh? They stole my idea!!! Now I'll never get my Nobel prize! I guess I need a thicker tin foil hat. Hold on, WHAT? Page 28 says the estimated power is 1MW/cm3? That's WAY more than I thought. The only reason I thought it was a crazy idea was that I thought it violated conservation of energy. If you have a big enough ZPM, you can power a time traveling Delorean! So, I'm still having trouble grasping the energy balance.
  8. ydoaPs


    Macroscopic wormholes created at will by a handheld device? No way.
  9. ydoaPs


    Anyone know any equations for power output of a piezoelectric material given a stress and a thickness? I'm thinking by the time the material is thick enough to even have the piezoelectric effect, the separation is too great to have the casimir effect happen, but I want to calculate to confirm.
  10. It seems the censor did not survive the software transition. Should a new one be put into place? Then again, with it taking THIS LONG to even notice, we might not even have enough of a problem to warrant the effort needed to make a new one.
  11. It seems the censor didn't survive the software glitch.
  12. Only if it's done by the government. As an American citizen I am free from the fear of being censored by my government. My right to free speech, however, does not extend into the private sector. I know that private outlets such as this fine website are the property of their owners. We don't have to be allowed to have a voice here. This site is John's personal toy that he lets you play with for free. However, to facilitate a better experience for all involved, he and his crack team of staff members have put into place rules and guidelines to which you agreed upon registration. If you don't like the rules, don't post here. No one is making you log on. It's the same with any other form of media. A newspaper isn't going to publish an essay you write if it violates their rules; why should a website. There are plenty of other websites to troll. Move along.
  13. ydoaPs

    Caching In

    I just found out that my sleepy little town is brimming with geocaches. I found 2 within two blocks today. Anyone else besides swansont geocache?
  14. While I have no idea how much unemployment fraud actually occurs, it is rather easy in many states to get away with it. They just ask you where you applied and that's it. You are given a warning that lying on the form is punishable to x extent by the law. I don't know what percentage of these are actually checked. Drivers licenses have numbers and barcodes. Why not have a computerized system that's harder to defraud? Instead of asking where they applied, have their drivers license(or state ID) linked into the system such that it can be scanned upon application? Many applications already ask for the number for background check purposes. This would be easy to implement as most places of employment have scanners, a computer, and/or online applications. Businesses and employees are assigned numbers for the system. Online applications could ask for the number(many already do) and put the number into the system. The number assigned to the business is then added to the person's file in the new unemployment system. Upon finishing an application in-store or delivering a finished application to the store, a drivers license or state ID could be scanned or the number entered manually. The number assigned to the employer and the employee are then added to the person's file in the unemployment system. For stores that somehow have no internet access, there could be a paper form to be filled out with the application that is then mailed to the unemployment agency with the name and signature of the employee and the applicant.
  15. ydoaPs


    Food. Humans do like their meat.
  16. Magnetism is not anti-gravity.
  17. While the range is technically infinite, the strength of the force decreases proportionately with r-2, so there is an effective range. [math]|F|=|ma|[/math] [math]|F|=|G\frac{Mm}{r^2}|[/math] [math]|ma|=|G\frac{Mm}{r^2}|[/math] [math]|a|=|G\frac{M}{r^2}|[/math] [math]|r^2|=|G\frac{M}{a}|[/math] [math]|r|=|\sqrt{G\frac{M}{a}}|[/math] Now, to find the effective range for whatever mass you're analyzing, you just need to pick an acceleration due to gravity that you define as having negligible effect. Notice that as acceleration tends toward zero, the effective range tends toward infinity.
  18. If the aether was displaced by matter, it would create a high pressure area in front and a low pressure in back. This would cause a flow of aether which should be observable. And since matter displaces the aether, the aether should slow down the matter which should also be observable. Are either of these effects actually observed?
  19. I was under the impression that "Indian Giving" was referring to the way the Native Americans were treated by the USA.
  20. I'd much rather discuss the biological effects of caffeine on hobbits.
  21. If only your project on statistics was after this week......you could have incorporated the relevant xkcd

  22. Why not just use calculus?
  23. ydoaPs

    FOX vs Beck

    I think it would probably be a good business move. TV stations are businesses that make their money from advertising. Glenn Beck is so luny that he was dropping advertisers left and right. That means he costs FOX money. Glenn's ratings have also been steadily declining. So, yeah, it's a good plan for FOX. Even conservative radio has been dropping him. Cenk Uygur is the host of The Young Turks which airs on his website and on YouTube. He recently took Keith Olberman's slot on MSNBC after being a frequent guest on the Dylan Ratigan show.
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