You don't have to be omniscient to show that a god does not exist; you just have to make a prediction via theistic theory and falsify it. There are several fact of the universe that falsify the traditional western concept of the deity. Things like humans, reasonable nonbelief, and horrific suffering.
On some things, yes. But so does everyone(although, I wouldn't call it 'blind' faith). No one has gone through and thoroughly examined all the evidence for every theory ever. Have you gone through and proved transistor theory or do you believe that transistors work the way the smart people tell you?
We're standing on the shoulders of giants, as they say. It's not blind faith, it's trust based on the fact that science works.
"SCIENCE! It works, bitches!"-Randall Monroe
You cannot extrapolate that his apparent ignorance on one scientific matter means he has no valid reasons for being an atheist.
Damn, you beat me to it. Kudos.