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Everything posted by cheapbeersucks

  1. I have an old fireplace that was gas that is not working.. Theres about 4 inch vent pipes running into from outside that which are currently blocked off.. I would run air in one pipe (cold from indoors) to be circulated through what I think would be a warm box providing that the sun is shining on that day and the insulating properties of the box are adequate... No water would be heated as that would take longer to bring to temp and winter sun can be scarce.. The air would be fed through and/or past the heating pipes.. (Iron can absorb alot of heat in the sun!) I was thinking that it is feesable?
  2. I was wondering, due to the increase in natural gas prices this year if it would be feesable to supplement home with solar energy. I was thinking of building a tightly sealed and insulated box appx 6 feet by 4 feet with reflecting mirrors on the bottom; sealed plexiglass on the top.. The light would be reflected onto iron piping that would be painted black and have a slight circulation of air through or past them by means of an intermittantly running fan. Does anyone know of this currently being used or have anything to add to this? Thanks.
  3. Does anyone know for sure... I pull a gatorade out of the fridge.. it's pretty cold but it's a liquid.. Once you take the cap off, from the top down it quickly becomes a frozen sludge.. Is this due to the exposure to air? Anyone know why?
  4. IF the term orbit doesn't mean to go around as the moon does then what is it's action?
  5. Okay, someone back there said that the object moving at the speed of light away from you would result in the reflection from ever reaching you, but we know the just because it hits a moving object towards you (usually a train in explainations) its not "Lightspeed plus 60mph" the same would apply for moving away. Thats why light is red or blue shifted due to the doppler affect which applies to all waves either being compressed or stretched as a result of the object they have been reflected/created by. So if its moving away you will see it mearly as it was at the point of light reflection (ie.. the past).
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