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Everything posted by harpy

  1. thanks for your reply, yes, we are many years away from the first fusion power stations, but they are certainly on the way. what I was hoping here was is to discover ideas that could inspire the acceleration of this technology. ( to increase funding for the people working in these areas) as prof. brain cox once said " Last year we spent more money on ringtones, than on nuclear fusion research" (2008) I do like the idea of solar panels because each of us can have our own power station on our roof or in the garden. but the sky is not always blue and night time does fall. perhaps solar panels in orbit? microwaving the energy down to sub stations on the surface? But this is pehapss further out of reach than a fusion power station? Or manufacturing billions of square meters of panels for the surface of the Earth? At present it is estimated 20 -30 years until the first fusion power stations come into effect. So i am hoping the science experts here could point out some new perspectives on why near zero emission energy could be a great thing. : ) perhaps a few more reasons why clean energy is needed : There would less carcinogens in the atmosphere, less cardio vascular disease ,asthma for example. less need for foreign oil. fusion power is less hazardous than fission ( no chance of a Chernobyl type event) ideas welcome, good or bad.
  2. hello : ) I am trying to find new positive thoughts, great reasons and things to look forward to for when nuclear fusion power stations are connected to our power grids. When we have power sources around the world that emit near zero emission and the fuel to run these stations costs very little, maybe this will open many wonderful doors that will be, until that day, firmly shut due inefficiency and expense. many of these ideas below are wishful thinking, but are not impossible if the governments have control,(not a privatecorp) examples : energize a near zero emission transportation network? filter and separate out poisons/toxins from our drainage before the waste reaches the rivers and seas? inspire organic farming by offering free energy to those that wish to do so. maybe even grow exotic organic fruit in colder climates by using green houses with heaters? offer our governments control to supply free energy to people that have positive ideas for our communities and environment. inspiring people to do good things by offering them free energy, saving them money, instead of inspiring people to do bad things to make money. for example : imagine a synthetic paper factory making toilet rolls, A4 paper and alike, the whole factory running from free fusion energy, because the factory helps save the rain forests. Might be quite inspiring for when people choose to set up new businesses. doing good for everyone, minimising pollution/ disease and ecological threats. any thoughts on this ,positive or negative, thanks. harps : )
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