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Everything posted by yaracuyKirkhoff

  1. by adding excess alkali will you not get Cr2O3 ?
  2. By your second sentence could I imply that Telomer one would have a different reproduction capacity from Telomer number two ?( also provided that the telomerase might have different activity on different chromosome ) Could I say even the tolomer might be shortened , but the telomerase could also increase the length of the telomer ?
  3. I like you answer, Now sense we have all chromosome in the cell would I expect a specific chromosome will express itself to ton a neurons ? And on that chromosome will be the genomes to produce the necessary proteins for the functioning of the cell? I ask that because each cell of a particular organ is a world of its own and it contribute to that particular organ .
  4. Do all DNA have same length Telomers or it depends on the chromosome type ?
  5. There are 23 sets of chromosome among them, is there a chromosome that is more involved with neurons in the brain functioning ? Is there a chromosome among the 23 sets that is involved more with the nervous system ?
  6. At the moment I can not give you a reference , but there is a family in Turkey their children have been born with some problem and thy walk and run on four like an animal.
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