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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Quantum physics

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Thank you both for taking the time to reply. I don't think i understand the Punnett square correctly. Im looking at the wiki page on this and im not sure how an organism can both have Bb alleles at the same time. If my parents both have dry earwax i thought this meant both my parent have B alleles only, or do they also carry the ressessive gene, b. Im going to have to research the subject a little better.
  2. Hello, i will start with the disclaimer that i am not a scientist, so please forgive me if my question seems a little... silly. However i am curious about my genetic 'anomaly'. I was wondering if anyone can shed some light on this... I am white British and I have dry ear wax. (as opposed to the wet variety) The gene that determines wet/dry earwax is ABCC11. This gene is recessive. A Japanese team of geneticists found that only 0-3% population of Europe had dry earwax and occurs mainly in East Asia with 80-90% of the population, followed by native Americans at 30% of the population. So my condition geographically is rare. My problem is that both my parents have wet ear wax, why is it possible for me to have dry earwax if this gene is recessive? Is it possible i have an Asian decent somewhere? I look forward to your replies, Thank you.
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