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Everything posted by Tamara

  1. Survey is closed! Thanks!
  2. Dear all, I am urgently search for some more participants to finish my PhD study. At the moment I am running an online survey about the professional life in Europe and Amerika and need some more American working adults to take part in this short survey. It lastes a maximum of 5 minutes and is completly anonymous. Here is the link to the survey: http://www.unipark.de/uc/professional_life/ Thank you very much for your Help!
  3. Survey on Professional Life: American participants needed! I am a PhD student in psychology at a German University and examine the “professional life of working adults in America and Europe". At the moment I am looking urgently for American working adults (does not matter what occupation) that would take part in my short online survey. You would help me a lot to finish my studies if you would participate in my survey and send this link to other people that might be interested. Overall, the survey takes *about 5 minutes (only 4 pages)*, is completely anonymous and data are only evaluated within this survey and not given to any third parties. If you are interested in the overall results and backgrounds I can provide you with them as soon as the data analysis is completed. Here is the link to the survey: http://www.unipark.d...fessional_life/ Thank you very much for your help! Dipl.-Psych. Tamara Hagmaier University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Institut of Psychology tamara.hagmaier(at)sozpsy.phil.uni-erlangern.de
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