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Everything posted by kether

  1. Found this. Might help. (Might be worth a tick, or a tock) http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/clocks/clocks_main.html
  2. Could it be that you are programmed to ANSWER a phone? (response) A train is something you CATCH
  3. another possibilty in such a test could be that a memory is triggered. ie. Childhood abuse or what is known as sexual rehearsal (doctors and nurses) causing memory arousal. The difference between HAD to watch and WANT to watch as you I feel indicated. "If" homophobia acts as a mask created by men with gay leanings, we could assume that this charade maybe because of fear/shame, peer pressure etc. What is bothersome here to me is "Who created the shame/fear in the first place" A homophobe? Something of a paradox unless self loathing is an inherant human trait? Phobia's are passed down through each new generation. So to detect its true origin (creation) would be difficult. We do have written history to help and perhaps mislead us of course. Are there any homophobic animals? I imagine if a gay dog for instance tried to mount a hetro dog and persisted in doing so, the hetro dog may get pretty pissed off. Would this be enough to create a homophobic trait? If many moons ago Homosexual man was an agressor then I suppose its possible. I dont know of any written history that may support this idea though? I posted before that it maybe the knowledge of death that created homophobia. As far as I know we are the only creature on this planet that is aware it will die? (elephant graveyards are a myth. Although they do bury their dead and other dead animals and also remember where.) Homosexuality (as far as I know) does not create llife. (although some occult groups, subcultures would beg to differ ) Death a nothing that we fear? (Of course there are many stories that claim death to be something else) The anus a nothing place? My own conclusion from what I know. Could it be that homosexuality is blamed for death itself? Most of us humans know what creates life sexually. What we are still unsure about is why we die. If early man/woman thought death was/is a direct result of homosexuality, it follows that he/she would try to put an end to homosexuality and become homophobic as a result. This attitude highlited with the aids epidemic. Gods punishment etc. (I cant help feeling the scare mongerers have given themselves many a "High five=HIV" with their relevant success. Would'nt it be one of the greatest irony's of human history if the very thing (homosexuality) turned out to be the key to the city of immortality! Well theres a thought...
  4. No, you are right. The article is not complicated at all. I wonder though, what song would a fly sing to get the best response? "WORD on a wing" maybe.....
  5. Please explain to me what relevance there is. What do a fly, sex and homosexuality have in common. FREE speech is welcome on my post..
  6. Sounds "Androgynous" In his/her own image Both creation and destruction. Ringing any bells.....
  7. [quote I just erased from my computer your post. "You never existed at all" God is just a word
  8. [quote=This may be stereotypical, but gay people are especially popular with females. Often leaves me wondering if there is a way to act gay, for the benefits of heightened female companionship--- but maintain straightness to reap romantic rewards. I myself have acted "gay" most of my life. I was never concious of this. It, what ever it may be was/is totaly natural. I never used "It" as a tool of deception.. However your observation that "Gayness" proves to be an effective magnet in the "flesh market" Holds some weight. I have and still have an effortless ability to attract both sexes. All of my adult life has been in pursuit of the "Man Women" thing only. (although I except flattery and dish it out as often as I can be bothered) A paradox occurs though often in long term relationships. (which I have had a few) I find myself drawn to trying to achieve the hetro stereotype and become deeply depressed in the process. This of course has led to relationship breakdown. Do women realy want a "Peter Parker" or do they prefer the "WEB weaver" Damned if I know and I have spun a few in my time..
  9. >I bet that ram needed alot of therapy after that. "Wam bam thankyou Ram" >Whether they become gay or not is dependent on some environmental factors. So if the world suddenly became void of females, it could perhaps occur that every male would to a greater or lesser degree seek homosexuality? (and vice versa of course) Hopefully for both sexes this will not ever happen. Creation is not limited to male and female union (A child being created) Art, music,literature etc are creations often (though not only) the work of Gay(happy) people. Some very Good and beautiful creations. Is war, violence, destruction, terrorism etc RIGHT? These things are not inherent in HAPPY people. Yes the world needs love. Yes because we die we also need to procreate. Bertolt Brecht wrote this lyric that I like. "Vices have their point once you see it as such. Stick to TWO for ONE will be to much" I am Borg..Part of the collective..
  10. So that's why animals show homosexual behavior. Is there any case of an animal that will ONLY try to mate with its own sex? Maybe noone has ever followed an animal to find out. Otherwise, INSTANCES where the animal resorts to humping another that is procreatively incompadible, does not make it naturally homosexual. It is the natural, normally heterosexual, drive to hump working with whatever it has. Yes experiments have been carried out.. In one instance (of many) aprox 10 female sheep were lined up in pens with one ram amongst them. All had their rear ends sticking out for another ram to investigate Consistently the ram chose to mount the other ram and ignore the females. (some were in season and some were not) Positions of the sheep were changed in the pens and the same result occured (gay Ram) Also the ram recieving the attention of the gay ram was removed and replaced with other rams at different intervals. etc etc.. Gayness is rife in the animal world. Not simply because its the next best thing.
  11. "Gilgamesh" is one of the oldest stories known to man. Carved on stone tablets aprox 5000 years ago. It tells the story for those that dont know, of LOVE. Mans love for man. A very special and powerful love. A knowing love. "Gilgamesh" was a revered king and quite the superman. could it be that Knowledge of death is what realy created homophobia? And that certainty of death that still drives it today? However as a subculture homosexuality during the electronic revolution has begun to be accepted again and even promoted on some levels. Could it be that death itself is closer to being conquered than we can imagine? Homophobia will die when death is know more perhaps? First cloning, designer babies, Gay marriages etc etc. All things in place to allow for a smoother transition. Love is here to stay. Everyone better get used to it. Gilgamesh part of tablet 1 > He who has seen everything, I will make known (?) to the lands. I will teach (?) about him who experienced all things, ... alike, Anu granted him the totality of knowledge of all. He saw the Secret, discovered the Hidden, he brought information of (the time) before the Flood. He went on a distant journey, pushing himself to exhaustion, but then was brought to peace. He carved on a stone stela all of his toils, and built the wall of Uruk-Haven, the wall of the sacred Eanna Temple, the holy sanctuary. Look at its wall which gleams like copper(?), inspect its inner wall, the likes of which no one can equal!
  12. Hi, I witnessed a stage show hypnotist back in the mid nineteen eighties. I did not participate but sat spell bound as my friends acted out many different suggestions put to them by the stage hypnotist. (Similar to the stuff you see on the tv and more explicit) The offer was put to the participants that if they wanted to quit smoking he may be able to help. At the end of the show those wishing to do so were fed a suggestion by the hypnotist. Now under his SPELL he suggested to them that a cigarette was/is made from plastic. After the show severel of the participants lit up their cigarettes only to collapse in coughing fits. The hypnotist explained that the spell/suggestion would weaken after a week or two. Especially if an individual persisted in trying to smoke, or consistently told themselves they were not smoking plastic. Or others consistently told them. Hypnosis is merely suggestion using the spoken word. We are subject to hypnosis from all forms of language all of the time, written word,spoken word, visual word. (Pictures create narrative and vice versa) Because of the external world (outside the realm of the hypnotists stage) It is very unlikely that one trip to a hypnotist would suvice, as his power is weakened as soon as his client recieves external stimulus. To save yourself money try suggesting/hypnotising yourself. You could do this with a simple daily mantra. Every time you feel what some describe as a craving for nicotine, say out loud " I do not smoke" and repeat as often as you feel the need. Try this also when you do not have cravings. It will create a good habit.. Eventually the body learns to be without nicotine and the mantra can be reduced accordingly... "Language is a virus"
  13. Refer to previous message by me. If you wish to discuss personal issues I have email. thankyou
  14. I am trying to post some reading material as an attachment. But alas no success. I have in part an answer to your question in a word document I can send via email if anyone is interested? The article I have is not to my knowledge on any web site.
  15. Are you in the head of every reader of this site? Significance creates discussion and vice versa..
  16. Can I make a SUGGESTION Do what you WILL This may HELP Give yourself a BREAK Why is it you think you need help to stop smoking. Could it be you are already under hypnosis? Under a SPELL? You have the POWER to stop "The Language is a virus"
  17. "Perception, reflection, perfection" I see how that helps Kether
  18. MEMORY is a stranger! In truth the nowness is all you ever have.. I hope you dont mind me hitting your POST.. I hope you achieve your GOAL Lifes a BALL PASS on this information TACKLE your subject. We are all hoping for EXTRA TIME.. Etc Etc....
  19. Does this mean if everyone became gay it would cause extinction of our race? Designer babies are possible. Cloning also possible. In nature is it not the strongest that survive...Women have FOUGHT for power and percieved equality, claiming centuries of oppression etc..Nothing is for nothing. Everything has a price.. The eon of Horus is upon us. The real armageddon. When reality shit hits the fan, the "Joans of Arcs" will be screaming once again for their white wedding dresses..Sorry girls its the death of love. How many bosses do you know who would give you your old job back after you walked out on them, kicking up a fuss in the process..Its mans cake and he will eat it...Ha ha ha.. Ramona.A.Stone.. Bloody golem
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