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  1. Of course a little more matter than anti-matter exists in our universe. Dark matter is actually the result of 're-assembling' our out of balance 3rd dimensional matter into a perfect form or zero state. This process is achieved at a black hole's event horizon. Inside which is not a singularity, but a entire field of dark matter. Black holes spewed the 3d matter out in the first place, as existing 3d matter was dispersed from a central explosion with additional 3d matter torn from its nested existence at zero-state (i.e space-time had a hole torn in it). Extremely fast rotation at the time of hole formation is evidenced by the spiral nature of most galaxies and the correlation of galaxy mass to black hole size. If you ponder it enough, this also explains the expansion of the universe in that the re-assimilation of matter at the event hoizon should propel a black hole and its entire galaxy through space (the galaxy following massive gravitational pull of black hole). There must be a reaction due to the re-assembly of dark matter. The spin of a black hole, along with its gravity, keeps a galaxy intact as it interacts with other massive bodies. Thus, the universe will appear to expand. There only needs to be one anti-matter rich universe (i.e 5th dimension) to keep me satisfied. All other theories are way too complex and unnecessary. Faster than light particles also exist, but must traverse both dimensions (at a particular frequency, or they would wreak havoc). In this theory, the universe(s) are always in a state of constant flux. If they calm down over time, I suspect the number of large black holes would diminish until just a few very large events would re-create a universe as we know it (big bang anyone). Every time a new discovery is made with respect to black holes, it seems (to me) to support this line of thought. This would also preclude the existence of 'dark matter' galaxies in our universe, since we do not interact with dark matter (it is everywhere that matter or antimatter is not). Maybe these proposed 'dark matter' galaxies are just areas in our overlapping domain that lack matter and antimatter (due to forces that created a black-hole and antimatter galaxy in the 5th dimension). The result should still be a black hole at the center of a 'dark matter' galaxy which propels it through our dimension (evidence only by a moving hole itself...with no apparent galaxy around it). Gravity disruption would usually be in the shape of an invisible spiral galaxy around these holes, not just a perfect halo of gravity-warping due to the mass of the rogue black hole. There is also the implication that: 1) black holes are directional 2) our 3d matter can not exist for long in the 5th dimension, and would probably be decaying near an anti-black hole (just like anti-matter does in out universe... right?) 3) time is present in both dimensions (or they would get out of sync and nothing could be observed) Is this whack or what? Humor me.
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