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I just thought I'd open this to a discussion about anybody who knows more details about the subject. So I just found an article from a couple days ago that scientists have found a molecule in the brain that trigger aging. Here is the link - http://www.nature.com/news/molecules-in-the-brain-trigger-ageing-1. Here are some interesting excerpts from the article: "Further tests suggested that NF-κB activity helps to determine when mice display signs of ageing. Animals lived longer than normal when they were injected with a substance that inhibited the activity of NF-κB in immune cells called microglia in the hypothalamus. Mice that received a substance to stimulate the activity of NF-κB died earlier." "Treating middle-aged mice to suppress the production of IKK-β, an enzyme that activates NF-κB, in microglia in the hypothalamus also reduced age-related cognitive and physical declines. Suppressing IKK-β in all areas of the brain increased median lifespan by 23% and maximum lifespan by 20%. The researchers report that NF-κB counteracts the effects of a hormone called gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), reducing brain-cell growth and shutting down the mice's reproductive systems. Injecting mice with GnRH slowed down ageing and triggered the growth of new brain cells. That suggests that inflammation and stress are an evolutionary signal to the body to stop reproducing, which triggers the start of the ageing process."
Close your eyes and picture blackness in your mind and your closed eyeballs. Picture that your eyeballs don't exist. Picture that their is no noises or feelings. Picture that the blackness turns into nothing. WTF it's still black unless for some odd reason you decide to picture white instead of black. I say odd because white is something. And you are even more odd if try to picture pure invisibleness of matter and energy. Because... what you must realize is this: Realize your mind is doing the Picturing and your mind is something. So now Picture that you have no mind to Picture no mind. It is impossible to picture no mind because every time you try to picture no mind you are doing SOMETHING: PICTURING WITH YOUR MIND NOW GET A BRAIN SCAN AND SAVE THAT PICTURE CAUSE ITS REALLY SOMETHING.
History + Science Documentary series - What the ancients knew - What the Ancients Knew (TV Series 2005) - IMDb Unearthing Ancient Secrets - Episode Guide : Unearthing Ancient Secrets : Science Channel Any other series or single documentaries that you know of that combine history and science? (not cosmos stuff(since that is history technically))...I've seen plenty of those.
Any scientific articles or scientific documentaries that you have heard of about this subject, especially more current ones? http://www.huffingto..._n_1495791.html http://www.scienceda...20504110504.htm http://www.livescien...ifferences.html http://www.scienceda...00802091205.htm http://www.scienceda...10609084808.htm Examples:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/3350010/Dogs-have-a-sense-of-right-and-wrong.html http://englishrussia...cow-stray-dogs/ <---this article is amazing http://www.pbs.org/d...es/dog-science# http://email.eva.mpg...Tomasello05.pdf http://www.pbs.org/w...smart-dogs.html http://articles.cnn....ms?_s=PM:LIVING http://answers.yahoo...04125734AALIao2 <-- I'll have to get a couple more dogs and do this test; I'll probably end being bitten by the control group out of a fit of jealousy:) (http://www.npr.org/t...oryId=128849908)( 26:30) (Not really scientific but fun and funny ...does show dog intelligence though)
Space A question from someone else on Ask.com that I've wondered about.... If vast areas of outer space contain nothing, does that mean those areas contains no atoms either? Best Answer - Chosen by Asker The "vacuum of space" refers to the relative lack of material in space. The Earth's atmosphere doesn't really stop at a certain place and then "space" begins. The air gets thinner as you go up from the surface and the farther from Earth (or the Sun) you get the thinner it is. It gets thinner still if you leave our solar system and even thinner in intergalactic space. But it is always there. In reality, no volume of space can ever be perfectly empty. A perfect vacuum with a gaseous pressure of absolute zero is a philosophical concept that does not exist in nature. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 1a)So the does that mean if you were like at the darkest edge of the galaxy far, far away from any star and I some type of sci-fi apparatus that could see atoms...then every single part of the space would contain atoms? Question 2) Or would there be places that contained no atoms? or is there always atoms everywhere? The reason I brought this up is because of a video I just saw that talked about energy states and orbitals from Khan Academy: He said that the further the electron is from the nucleus then the "energy" is higher and the atom will start to glow(or that is what I thought he meant). If the answer to question 2 is "There is or could be places that contain no atoms": What if we took a single atom to that place in space and then did this: We somehow move the electron furthur and furthur away from the nucleus without it interacting with any other atoms since there is none in this specific place. Would the atom's "energy" continue to increase as long as there is no other atoms around it as the electron moved furthur and furthur away? From Wikipedia ---> Outer space, or simply space, is the void that exists between celestial bodies, including the Earth.[1] It is not completely empty, but consists of a hard vacuum containing a low density of particles: predominantly a plasma of hydrogen and helium, as well as electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields, and neutrinos. Observations and theory suggest that it also contains dark matter and dark energy. The baseline temperature, as set by the background radiation left over from the Big Bang, is only 3 Kelvin (K); in contrast, temperatures in the coronae of stars can reach over a million Kelvin. Plasma with an extremely low density (less than one hydrogen atom per cubic meter) and high temperature (millions of Kelvin) in the space between galaxies accounts for most of the baryonic (ordinary) matter in outer space; local concentrations have condensed into stars and galaxies. Intergalactic space takes up most of the volume of the Universe, but even galaxies and star systems consist almost entirely of empty space. Question 1b)So the does that mean if you were like at the darkest edge of the galaxy far, far away from any star and I some type of sci-fi apparatus that could see atoms...then every single part of the space would still contain hydrogen or helium plasma atoms?
Any videos, articles, ideas, on solar cells or solar panels post here. 1) Any DIY guides, articles, videos, etc. for building of Solar cells?.... 2) Any DIY guides, articles, videos, etc. for building of Solar panels?.... 3) Any guides, articles, videos, etc...on more efficient solar cells/panels?....http://www.solarpowerworldonline.com/2012/06/breakthroughs-the-revolution-in-3-d-solar-cells/ 4) Any new chemistry/non-chemistry related ideas for the materials used in solar cells?....http://dvice.com/archives/2012/06/navy-designs-sp.php 5) Anything else to do with getting energy from Sol. Thanks!
Any good TV shows, documentaries, or movies you know of. I have seen the universe, NOVA, many good universe type shows on the science, history, and discovery channel, how it's made, modern marvels, stephen hawking shows, a show on the history of chemistry, some interesting chemistry shows, many black hole shows, shows on CERN, social sciences(History, anthropology, psychology, autism, antisocial personality disorder, human geography(good one is guns, germs, and steel), dissociative personality disorder, Schizoid personality disorder, Borderline personality disorder, Histrionic personality disorder, neuroscience, sexuality(I have seen movies about that guy whose name starts with a "h" but I can't think of the name anymore...stupid memory..he did something with the sexuality of honeybees), neuroscience, etc... So any good TV shows, documentaries, or movies you know of? Or maybe a single really good ep of, NOVA, the universe, modern marvels, etc I maybe haven't seen. Just anything. Thanks.
ok maybe that last post negated my point..... after re-edit... Atheists muslims and hindus rejoice Merry Muhammad Ali Jinnah-mas!!! Actually it didn't negate my point :.... atheists, muslims, hindus, christians, jews, wiccans, etc... rejoice!! Merry Muhammad Ali Jinnah-mas and Newton-mas and Christmas!!!
Most certainly not that's why I said I betcha instead of I know:)! http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2010-06-05/people/28299315_1_vinayak-damodar-savarkar-hindus-and-muslims-common-nation atheists muslims hindu's and christians rejoice!! Merry Muhammad Ali Jinnah-mas!!!!
Merry Ibetchathroughoutthe8,000yearsofhumanhistorytherewasprobablyatleastoneimportantpersonfromeachmajorreligionandnonreligionthatwasbornondec25th-mas! and a Happy New Mayan Apocalypse Digits!
That’s the skepticism that has reached us through the Enlightenment. Those that refuse skepticism in the realm of science then, and denigrate it, and recklessly rely on an “Unquestionable Authority“, they are ultimately placing themselves outside of Science itself, and outside of nearly four hundred years of philosophy if not more. I am skeptical of both god and “absolute nothing" ....that doesn't mean that I don't believe god or "absolute nothing" could exist... Actually it is exactly the opposite..I believe that god and "absolute nothing" could exist... TRUE science(being open to ANY skepticism or falsification) though is the only thing that could possibly prove it… and it has nothing to do with belief. I am a TRUE scientist and a TRUE agnostic and a FALSE believer if know what I am getting at. I believe things but I know that they could be false until they are TRULY scientifically proven.... So what is energy, EXACTLY???? The Bohr–Einstein debates were a series of public disputes about quantum mechanics between Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, who were two of its founders. Their debates are remembered because of their importance to the philosophy of science. Einstein was the first physicist to say that Planck's discovery of the quantum (h) would require a rewriting of physics. As though to prove his point, in 1905 he proposed that light sometimes acts as a particle which he called a light quantum (now called the photon). Bohr was one of the most vocal opponents of the photon idea and did not openly embrace it until 1925 Even when studying quantum mechanics and regular physics you have to open to the fact that there could be a flaw in the logic of these extraordinary human beings. Who was right? Einstein or Bohr? Maybe they were both right but maybe you can find something they explained is wrong due to a new discovery in the universe. I am not saying they were wrong on anything they investigated and explained … I am just saying always be open to the possibility AND then you will be a TRUE scientist. You can put the HUMAN beings(Einstein, Bohr) on a pedestal of respect.. but you cannot put SCIENCE on a pedestal …..we must always be skeptical of science(even if it is TRUE) in order for it to be TRUE science. There is only one TRUE science(I mean TRUE “god”, I mean TRUE “absolute nothing”) and I sure as hell don’t think we have found it yet. The next shock came in 1926 when Max Born proposed that the mechanics was to be understood as a probability without any causal explanation. Einstein rejected this interpretation. In a 1926 letter to Max Born, Einstein wrote: "I, at any rate, am convinced that He [God] does not throw dice." < That quote I do not believe is TRUE science…but if it is, it is....TRUE that is...but I will still be skeptical. Sooo....what is energy, EXACTLY? "I, at any rate, am convinced that He [God] does not throw dice."...I do sympathize with Einstein though he probably put in tons and tons of thought to come up with that conclusion. Another quote... "A century later, all of nature had been classified into two great domains: 1)There was energy, the forces that animated objects 2) and there was mass, the physical stuff that made up those objects." If the big bang is real..how did the forces(energy) initially animate mass if they weren't physically real? AKA what is energy, EXACTLY? So I guess to be more specific so somebody doesn't just give me a wiki link(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy), I will ask a more specific question...but it is not the only question.. Is energy(joules, kilo-watt hours...or whatever) a physical thing on the subatomic quantum scale?
Merry Ibetchathroughoutthe8,000yearsofhumanhistorytherewasprobablyatleastoneimportantpersonfromeachmajorreligionandnonreligionthatwasbornondec25th-mas! "Happy holidays" is just getting old
Merry Ibetchathroughoutthe8,000yearsofhumanhistorytherewasanimportantpersonthatwasbornondec25th-mas!
I have searched google for this but cannot find... is there a video chat site that lets you communicate with random people like chatroulette but by subject.... Kind of like a subject based forum like science forums..but once you click on a subject you are sent to a video chat instead of a forum?
If everything in the universe adds to zero, why do we need a God?
qijino1236 replied to morgsboi's topic in Religion
Dude , how am I conscious? I see my hand and know what it is. I think of god and I think I know what it might be. Dude, how can I not be conscious?- 99 replies
If everything in the universe adds to zero, why do we need a God?
qijino1236 replied to morgsboi's topic in Religion
That’s the skepticism that has reached us through the Enlightenment. Those that refuse skepticism in the realm of science then, and denigrate it, and recklessly rely on an “Unquestionable Authority“, they are ultimately placing themselves outside of Science itself, and outside of nearly four hundred years of philosophy if not more. I am skeptical of both god and “absolute nothing" ....that doesn't mean that I don't believe god or "absolute nothing" could exist... Actually it is exactly the opposite..I believe that god and "absolute nothing" could exist... TRUE science(being open to ANY skepticism or falsification) though is the only thing that could possibly prove it… and it has nothing to do with belief. I am a TRUE scientist and a TRUE agnostic and a FALSE believer if know what I am getting at. I believe things but I know that they could be false until they are TRULY scientifically proven.... So what is energy, EXACTLY???? The Bohr–Einstein debates were a series of public disputes about quantum mechanics between Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, who were two of its founders. Their debates are remembered because of their importance to the philosophy of science. Einstein was the first physicist to say that Planck's discovery of the quantum (h) would require a rewriting of physics. As though to prove his point, in 1905 he proposed that light sometimes acts as a particle which he called a light quantum (now called the photon). Bohr was one of the most vocal opponents of the photon idea and did not openly embrace it until 1925 Even when studying quantum mechanics and regular physics you have to open to the fact that there could be a flaw in the logic of these extraordinary human beings. Who was right? Einstein or Bohr? Maybe they were both right but maybe you can find something they explained is wrong due to a new discovery in the universe. I am not saying they were wrong on anything they investigated and explained … I am just saying always be open to the possibility AND then you will be a TRUE scientist. You can put the HUMAN beings(Einstein, Bohr) on a pedestal of respect.. but you cannot put SCIENCE on a pedestal …..we must always be skeptical of science(even if it is TRUE) in order for it to be TRUE science. There is only one TRUE science(I mean TRUE “god”, I mean TRUE “absolute nothing”) and I sure as hell don’t think we have found it yet. The next shock came in 1926 when Max Born proposed that the mechanics was to be understood as a probability without any causal explanation. Einstein rejected this interpretation. In a 1926 letter to Max Born, Einstein wrote: "I, at any rate, am convinced that He [God] does not throw dice." < That quote I do not believe is TRUE science…but if it is, it is....TRUE that is...but I will still be skeptical. Sooo....what is energy, EXACTLY? "I, at any rate, am convinced that He [God] does not throw dice."...I do sympathize with Einstein though he probably put in tons and tons of thought to come up with that conclusion. Another quote... "A century later, all of nature had been classified into two great domains: 1)There was energy, the forces that animated objects 2) and there was mass, the physical stuff that made up those objects." If the big bang is real..how did the forces(energy) initially animate mass if they weren't physically real? AKA what is energy, EXACTLY? -
If everything in the universe adds to zero, why do we need a God?
qijino1236 replied to morgsboi's topic in Religion
I am using questions and answers from other people to try to get into my mind what EXACTLY energy is... What exactly does energy mean? What is energy? Mechanical energy, which includes - Potential energy, stored in a system. - Kinetic energy, from the movement of matter. Radiant or solar energy, which comes from the light and warmth of the sun. Thermal energy, associated with the heat of an object. Chemical energy, stored in the chemical bonds of molecules. Electrical energy, associated with the movement of electrons. Electromagnetic energy, associated with light waves (including radio waves, microwaves, x-rays, infrared waves). Mass (or nuclear) energy, found in the nuclear structure of atoms but is there a universal energy? Not my Q - What exactly is energy?....We know the two forms of energy are potential energy and kinetic energy, and that these forms of energy can be in many forms (e.g. thermal energy, elastic potential energy, gravitational potential energy...). However, what I don't really understand is, how is this energy actually stored? By this I mean, for example, how is kinetic and potential energy stored in terms of particles. Has it got to do with the amount of vibration or the separation between the particles? Also, if matter is equivalent to energy is matter therefore a form of energy? I'm sorry if it sounds confusing but I just find energy a really hard concept to visualise, it's not something easy to visualise such as matter. I would appreciate any help given. Not my A - It is a physically measurable and useful quantity in physics. I think its better not to think of energy as something which a body "possesses". Just think of it as one formula which tells u how to measure it given a system in a certain configuration. So, then what is interesting about this number? As Feynman says, this number is conserved. "There is a fact, or if you wish, a law, governing all natural phenomena that are known to date. There is no known exception to this law—it is exact so far as we know. The law is called the conservation of energy. It states that there is a certain quantity, which we call energy, that does not change in manifold changes which nature undergoes. That is a most abstract idea, because it is a mathematical principle; it says that there is a numerical quantity which does not change when something happens. It is not a description of a mechanism, or anything concrete; it is just a strange fact that we can calculate some number and when we finish watching nature go through her tricks and calculate the number again, it is the same." —The Feynman Lectures on Physics Its better not to think of energy as something a body "has", because its not true. Velocity is relative. Kinetic energy measured in one frame is not the same as another. With a frame at rest wrt an object, its KE is always zero. Also, potential energy does not "belong" to the object. Its a number referenced from a datum. A body has potential energy depending on from where you measure it. So, its the energy "stored" in a system, rather than a body. Also, you seem to think that there are only 2 energies PE and KE, and other energies are manifestations of these 2 types. Its not so. All are different forms of energy, and one can convert into other. For eg., when a brick falls onto a surface, part of the energy goes as heat and sound (both of which are a sort of vibrations). One can, by a little stretch, say that thermal energy, sound energy are also just potential energy and kinetic energy of the atoms and molecules, but then, they are not in the "same" brick. Its now dispersed among many molecules (of say air) and not just belonging to the original body of the brick. "Its better not to think of energy as something a body "has", because its not true." Why is it not better to think of energy as something a body "has"? ....Is energy not a thing?...is it simply just a vague concept that is used when something is heated or powered up (electrified)? Not my A??.... Energy is a quantity that is understood as the ability a physical system has to produce changes on another physical system. Energy is stored within the atoms, since they can gather up energy, and thus vibrate. Also, there is an unimaginable amount of energy stored in each and very ATOM. A single atom is all it takes to eradicate an entire city with a nuclear explosion. Thus energy is stored in the electrons. As a part of the atom is removed from the nucleus, the electron's negative magnetic charge causes it to collide violently with the remainder of the nucleus (which has a positive magnetic charge) Energy is stored within the atoms, since they can gather up energy, and thus vibrate...so is energy a thing or isn't it? ...from this answer energy seems like a thing…from this answer… "Its better not to think of energy as something a body "has", because its not true." it doesn’t seem like a thing. So is energy a concept or a thing? …a thing created by the mind to explain things(natural phenomena like electricity, heat, matter) or an actual thing? Energy is stored within the atoms, since they can gather up energy, and thus vibrate…so if energy is a “thing” stored in atoms what is that energy made of?....Where did the energy come from originally?...Is the energy inside the atoms the same thing throughout all atoms(aka is energy a consistent thing?)…What EXACTLY is energy if it is a single thing? Or is energy a multitude of different things to explain heat, electricity, matter, etc.? Okay E=mc2, but what is energy, EXACTLY? -
Question from youtube video about blackbody radiation
qijino1236 replied to qijino1236's topic in Classical Physics
We expect this to be true, because charged particles interact with electric fields ... We expect ... but do we know... has there been a scientific test done? -
Mirror test of self awareness
qijino1236 replied to Greg Boyles's topic in Anatomy, Physiology and Neuroscience
How you know it is you in the mirror? Maybe it is just god trying to copy what your consciousness thinks you are doing? -
If everything in the universe adds to zero, why do we need a God?
qijino1236 replied to morgsboi's topic in Religion
If everything in the universe adds to zero, why do we need a God? But if that statement is true then math is doesn't make sense.... example... We have a beach ball, a consciouness, a quotation, a mind, a god , a flute, a word, a science , a matter, an anti-matter and an absolute nothing Now we add up the "somethings"(whether it be something created through thought or physical things with the "nothings" somethings - a beach ball, a consciousness, a quotation, a mind, a god, a flying-spaghetti monster, a flute, a word, a science , a matter, an anti-matter nothings - absolute nothing 11 + nothing(or 0)(or 1) = 11 or 12...see we still have something...11 see this quote To paraphrase Albert Einstein, a number by itself has no significance and only deserves the designation of a number by virtue of its being a member of a group of objects with some shared characteristics. ... absolute nothing doesn't seem possible I put 0 or 1 in the math equation because of this: It is undeniable that not even your mind's eye or consciouness cannot picture absolute nothing for if you picture nothing(all back or all white or something) it is still something...all black or all white or SOMETHING. we think we know nothing is but doubt if any consciousness has ever pictured "absolute nothing" if a consciousness has ever pictured "absolute nothing"...then it would be 0..but I don't believe that has ever been done. Since this is a belief I put (0 or 1) since it isn't a scientific fact I guess the real question is whether you believe a consciousness never existed since a consciousness(humans or other intelligent life) EVENTUALLY created the words "a beach ball, a consciousness, a quotation, a mind, a god, a flying-spaghetti monster, a flute, a word, a science , a matter, an anti-matter, absolute nothing" If a consciousness at one point in the universe never existed then that same equation I would see as.. 0 + 0(or 1)...actually It would be 0+ 0 because if there wasn't any consciousness then there would be no consciousness to picture "absolute nothing" in the minds eye anyways.. But since I don't know if consciousness never existed I go with the equation 11 + 0(or 1)?? I don't know = 11 or 12 since I am conscious. -
I have thought of this extensively and I always wonder if it could be ever possible for the universe to not have consciousness, subconsciousness, or something lower in the past or the future...a kind of like a really low level god idea. My reason(not logic) is that pure nothing seems impossible. And everything seems possible ....kind of like a sort of many worlds idea....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Many-worlds_interpretation...like everything that has been thought up...including "supernatural" things is possible. Actually my "something more" thought is probably the most convincing idea I have thought up to make myself believe that there is perhaps a god(but perhaps not). Do you understand what my "something more" thought is? With the Bang Bang Theory that "something more" is something outside(maybe a consciousness, maybe physical space I don't know) the extremely small but massive point that was the start of the big bang. In today's universe it is something outside the edge of the universe. In an ancient world before mythology and religion... it was anything outside of what could be seen because there was not really any science(by how we use science today). ..... When I was an atheist I used to think that the first person that came up with god was probably an ancient psychopath that wanted to suppress other people's thoughts seeing as a lot of religions have done that in the past. But as I thought about it more I started to think that concept of god probably was just a concept that thinkers thought of when they were trying imagine what was beyond the world that they could see. It was imagination...that imagination probably brought about mythologies and religions (and physical dogmatic depiction of god...see "Michelangelo's Creation of Adam" ). But now that we have science and logic that imagination can go further with concepts such as "consciousness" being investigated scientifically by neuroscientists. In fact it is probably never-ending and that is why I have hope that when I die or at some point in my consciousnesses existence I may be able to see that never-ending in a more direct way. I always approach the world before me with authenticity and openness and integrity…..As I stated in my first post I always INTENTIONALLY separate science and logic(observable science) from faith or hope or belief or reason(philosophy) or pseudo-science (non-observable "truths" AKA potential truths), but I like to still keep that faith or hope or belief or reason or pseudo-science or fantasy in my mind. It is in effect not suppressing even a single thought whether it be logical or reasonable or maybe even more "out there"(abstract) …which I think is a more open way to live than any as long as your thoughts are decently reasonable. It is science + logic + belief + ideas + reason + spiritual ideas + certain religious ideas + pseudo-science + "something more" …I'll call it panthoughtism. Also…the thing is philosophy and thought can create hypotheses… how do you think the first hypotheses were created? See this quote… "Philosophy gave birth to science. If you think philosophically, you'll undoubtedly find a hypothesis. After you find a hypothesis, all you have to do is apply it to a scientific method and research it to come to a conclusion. It's just the lack of methodology in philosophy that makes it inferior to science. Philosophy is just thinking outside of the box, science is thinking outside of the box and carrying out experiments to validate said thought. " So thinking outside the box like I am trying to do could potentially become a theory or even science. Once again… But now that we have science and logic that imagination can go further with concepts such as consciousness being investigated scientifically by neuroscientists. In fact it is probably never-ending and that is why I have hope that when I die or at some point in my consciousness'es existence I may be able to see that never-ending "something more" in a more direct way. As a side note about the suppression or destruction of thought...I always wonder what world would be like today if the great Library of Alexandria had not been burned down.....Plutarch (AD 46–120) wrote that during his visit to Alexandria in 48 BC Julius Caesar "accidentally" burned the library down when he set fire to his own ships to frustrate Achillas' attempt to limit his ability to communicate by sea.[2] After its destruction, scholars used a "daughter library" in a temple known as the Serapeum, located in another part of the city. All those philosophical and scientific ideas burned away. The burning of that library was probably about the equivalent of burning down the whole internet today. I wonder if Brutus had a couple of books he wanted to read from Alexandria? The dark ages were soon to come.
The consciousness as a part of the Universe
qijino1236 replied to georgi_zlatev's topic in Speculations
I have thought of this extensively and I always wonder if it could be ever possible for the universe to not have consciousness, subconsciousness, or something lower in the past or the future...a kind of like a really low level god idea. My reason(not logic) is that pure nothing seems impossible. And everything seems possible ....kind of like a sort of many worlds idea....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Many-worlds_interpretation...like everything that has been thought up...including "supernatural" things is possible. Actually my "something more" thought is probably the most convincing idea I have thought up to make myself believe that there is perhaps a god(but perhaps not). Do you understand what my "something more" thought is? With the Bang Bang Theory that "something more" is something outside(maybe a consciousness, maybe physical space I don't know) the extremely small but massive point that was the start of the big bang. In today's universe it is something outside the edge of the universe. In an ancient world before mythology and religion... it was anything outside of what could be seen because there was not really any science(by how we use science today). ..... When I was an atheist I used to think that the first person that came up with god was probably an ancient psychopath that wanted to suppress other people's thoughts seeing as a lot of religions have done that in the past. But as I thought about it more I started to think that concept of god probably was just a concept that thinkers thought of when they were trying imagine what was beyond the world that they could see. It was imagination...that imagination probably brought about mythologies and religions (and physical dogmatic depiction of god...see "Michelangelo's Creation of Adam" ). But now that we have science and logic that imagination can go further with concepts such as "consciousness" being investigated scientifically by neuroscientists. In fact it is probably never-ending and that is why I have hope that when I die or at some point in my consciousnesses existence I may be able to see that never-ending in a more direct way. I always approach the world before me with authenticity and openness and integrity…..As I stated in my first post I always INTENTIONALLY separate science and logic(observable science) from faith or hope or belief or reason(philosophy) or pseudo-science (non-observable "truths" AKA potential truths), but I like to still keep that faith or hope or belief or reason or pseudo-science or fantasy in my mind. It is in effect not suppressing even a single thought whether it be logical or reasonable or maybe even more "out there"(abstract) …which I think is a more open way to live than any as long as your thoughts are decently reasonable. It is science + logic + belief + ideas + reason + spiritual ideas + certain religious ideas + pseudo-science + "something more" …I'll call it panthoughtism. Also…the thing is philosophy and thought can create hypotheses… how do you think the first hypotheses were created? See this quote… "Philosophy gave birth to science. If you think philosophically, you'll undoubtedly find a hypothesis. After you find a hypothesis, all you have to do is apply it to a scientific method and research it to come to a conclusion. It's just the lack of methodology in philosophy that makes it inferior to science. Philosophy is just thinking outside of the box, science is thinking outside of the box and carrying out experiments to validate said thought. " So thinking outside the box like I am trying to do could potentially become a theory or even science. Once again… But now that we have science and logic that imagination can go further with concepts such as consciousness being investigated scientifically by neuroscientists. In fact it is probably never-ending and that is why I have hope that when I die or at some point in my consciousness'es existence I may be able to see that never-ending "something more" in a more direct way. As a side note about the suppression or destruction of thought...I always wonder what world would be like today if the great Library of Alexandria had not been burned down.....Plutarch (AD 46–120) wrote that during his visit to Alexandria in 48 BC Julius Caesar "accidentally" burned the library down when he set fire to his own ships to frustrate Achillas' attempt to limit his ability to communicate by sea.[2] After its destruction, scholars used a "daughter library" in a temple known as the Serapeum, located in another part of the city. All those philosophical and scientific ideas burned away. The burning of that library was probably about the equivalent of burning down the whole internet today. I wonder if Brutus had a couple of books he wanted to read from Alexandria? The dark ages were soon to come. -
Question from youtube video about blackbody radiation
qijino1236 posted a topic in Classical Physics
For this topic you must watch this video first... http://www.youtube.c...hU&feature=fvsr He says... "And those things(atoms) are charged so they "OUGHT" to interact with the electromagnetic field. So that means they ought to be able to give some energy to electromagnetic waves. So doesn't that mean that light gets to play? " What does he mean by they "ought" to interact ...that is a vague term...does that mean that physicists are just "guessing" that this interaction is occurring or have there been scientific tests done?. And what does he mean by light gets to play?... apparently that video link did post..http: //www.youtube. com/ watch?v=jbxty6aDfhU&feature=fvsr "hotter objects give off a lot more light than cooler objects"… So then how I can some leds give off the same lumens as incandescent light but be not as hot? -
Dear Everyone...atheists,agnostics, religious, spiritual, etc. people
qijino1236 replied to qijino1236's topic in Religion
Oh I know that a theory is not "just a theory" it is most researched part of the scientific method before becoming a fact...but nevertheless it is still pseudo-science until it does become a fact. Actually my "something more" thought is probably the most convincing idea I have thought up to make myself believe that there is perhaps a god(but perhaps not). Do you understand what my "something more" thought is? With the Bang Bang Theory that "something more" is something outside(maybe a consciousness, maybe physical space I don't know) the extremely small but massive point that was the start of the big bang. In today's universe it is something outside the edge of the universe. In an ancient world before mythology and religion... it was anything outside of what could be seen because there was not really any science(by how we use science today). ..... When I was an atheist I used to think that the first person that came up with god was probably an ancient psychopath that wanted to suppress other people's thoughts seeing as a lot of religions have done that in the past. But as I thought about it more I started to think that concept of god probably was just a concept that thinkers thought of when they were trying imagine what was beyond the world that they could see. It was imagination...that imagination probably brought about mythologies and religions (and physical dogmatic depiction of god...see "Michelangelo's Creation of Adam" ). But now that we have science and logic that imagination can go further with concepts such as "consciousness" being investigated scientifically by neuroscientists. In fact it is probably never-ending and that is why I have hope that when I die or at some point in my consciousnesses existence I may be able to see that never-ending in a more direct way. I always approach the world before me with authenticity and openness and integrity…..As I stated in my first post I always INTENTIONALLY separate science and logic(observable science) from faith or hope or belief or reason(philosophy) or pseudo-science (non-observable "truths" AKA potential truths), but I like to still keep that faith or hope or belief or reason or pseudo-science or fantasy in my mind. It is in effect not suppressing even a single thought whether it be logical or reasonable or maybe even more "out there"(abstract) …which I think is a more open way to live than any as long as your thoughts are decently reasonable. It is science + logic + belief + ideas + reason + spiritual ideas + certain religious ideas + pseudo-science + "something more" …I'll call it panthoughtism. Also…the thing is philosophy and thought can create hypotheses… how do you think the first hypotheses were created? See this quote… "Philosophy gave birth to science. If you think philosophically, you'll undoubtedly find a hypothesis. After you find a hypothesis, all you have to do is apply it to a scientific method and research it to come to a conclusion. It's just the lack of methodology in philosophy that makes it inferior to science. Philosophy is just thinking outside of the box, science is thinking outside of the box and carrying out experiments to validate said thought. " So thinking outside the box like I am trying to do could potentially become a theory or even science. Once again… But now that we have science and logic that imagination can go further with concepts such as consciousness being investigated scientifically by neuroscientists. In fact it is probably never-ending and that is why I have hope that when I die or at some point in my consciousness'es existence I may be able to see that never-ending "something more" in a more direct way. As a side note about the suppression or destruction of thought...I always wonder what world would be like today if the great Library of Alexandria had not been burned down.....Plutarch (AD 46–120) wrote that during his visit to Alexandria in 48 BC Julius Caesar "accidentally" burned the library down when he set fire to his own ships to frustrate Achillas' attempt to limit his ability to communicate by sea.[2] After its destruction, scholars used a "daughter library" in a temple known as the Serapeum, located in another part of the city. All those philosophical and scientific ideas burned away. The burning of that library was probably about the equivalent of burning down the whole internet today. I wonder if Brutus had a couple of books he wanted to read from Alexandria? The dark ages were soon to come.