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Everything posted by frosch45

  1. Hmm, well, now i know Really, the more contained you can make it, the better. This stuff will kill or severly mangle. You can gamble if you want, but if I were you, i'd just get the stuff on ebay to contain it. As per the boiling, you're right. You can't have it entirely contained or your glass will shatter, so in your setup, you need a joint like this http://cgi.ebay.com/Distillation-adapter-with-vacuum-take-off-24-40-new_W0QQitemZ370106307778QQcmdZViewItemQQptZBI_Lab_Supplies?hash=item370106307778&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1205%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318 that will be there after the condensation is complete. This type of joint should lead to your recieving flask, and they are designed so that the air will come out from that flask instead of your condensing area. This just means though that you have to have a really really really cold condenser and recieving flask, otherwise, you will be breating scary stuff.
  2. Alright, its just that in your picture the stopper looks black, and teflon tape is white... maybe the contrast just came out wierd
  3. Liebigs you can use, its just that they are less effective. make sure your liquid is very very very cold. did you mean dry ice in acetone? that would be the very best that you are able to easily obtain Also, in your picture, it looks like you are using a rubber stopper? I hope this isn't the case (or otherwise this is not inside your house) because if that is rubber, you better get outside of your house now and make sure all the windows are open "Vapors are a strong irritant to the pulmonary tract. Initial symptoms of inhalation may be moderate and include irritation of the eyes and throat, tightness of the chest, headache, nausea and gradual loss of strength. Severe symptoms may be delayed (possibly for 5 to 7 hours) and include cyanosis, increased difficulty in breathing, irregular respiration, lassitude and possible eventual death due to pulmonary edema in untreated cases." http://www.vngas.com/pdf/g61.pdf that stuff is really dangerous, and nothing less than well sealed glass or teflon is going to do much good
  4. You have some nitric acid, but there are nitrogen oxides present as well, "red-fuming" nitric acid. Your ultimate goal should not be to buble a gas through water, but instead completely condense the gas into a liquid with as little water as possible. How is your condenser? I would recommend a graham condenser and some jointed glassware if you're really serious about this, but the key really is to keep your condenser really cold so you don't have so much gas. It is smart however to have some water in your recieving flask to dissolve the begginings of the acid. I just found a good video, if you have the ability to distill under a vaccum, that would be a good idea, or a pretty cheap vaccum can be bought on consolidated-chemical.com.
  5. Whippit is interesting, but I bet (it even mentioned this on the wikipedia page) i would look like im a druggee. This is not a problem at all, I know exactly a way to only come out when I want it. The problem is that I wanted to have this all under my shirt....I am very skinny, so shirts naturally fit loosely on me, and if I was wearing a suit sport jacket, I could really hide somethin under there. Im really not feeling the electricity route. Just not something I feel comfortable with unless it was really safe. I know that that seems odd seeing that I'm having a flame basically in my hand...but even still, it makes me nervous Maybe there is another effect that I can produce that looks cool, maybe not sparks, maybe a flash of light? Tribioluminescence?
  6. Really, it cant be more than about 4-5 cm max. It needs to fit under my arm, and I can't have it look unnatural. I like the idea of O2, and there's no single element besides flourine (which is obviously out of the question) that is more electronegative. What about having a metal that in itself is easily oxidized like calcium or magnesium powder? Part of the problem is that I don't necessarily have the ability to compress gas beyond the limits of a balloon, which isn't a bad option, I could have some press valve on a tube, but again, theres only so much gas I can fit in so small of a place. What is "whip-its?" N2O production is fairly straitforward, but the problem is the compression, and since I do not have a medical liscence, it would be pretty difficlut for me to buy one. No one has any ideas about how to really compress gas into a cylindar, do they? Pyrotechnic mixes are still a good option, but the oxidizer/compressed gas is the real issue right now. If only I could compress my own gas? What about Butanone?
  7. That's the direction I'm leaning. Any suggestions as to the type of gas? unfortunately, this ups the danger level significantly. I need to find a very very very small canister that is well sealed.
  8. I know that this sounds like a pyromania-lead project, but I really am trying to be somewhat safe and professional about this. My goal is not to look like a crazy fire person, but I just wanted a cool party trick I liked the idea of the compressed gas tube containing the powder idea, but then I would be shooting out a plume of fire instead of a few 'sparks'... I was using a cylinder from a lighter...Yes, I did take it apart, but mostly for the pizo-electric sparker, and then I thought about the canister I am thinking that I will have to get a different kind of cylinder, but i'm not sure what kind. It only has to be able to run for about 2 seconds, but the problem is that it must deliver the gas quickly over the length of the tube fast enough to produce a steady flame and not go out. I really think that there was just too many components of air in the tube that the gas mixed with.
  9. Yes, as an alternative to more toxic lead fishing weights, now Bismuth is available. You can also get it online i'm sure, and if not already in a powder, perhaps a ball mill would work? Bismuth is very heavy though.... Here's powder online, except this supplyer never gives their prices outright. Its frustrating. http://www.americanelements.com/bimp.html actually, theres quite a few sources online I now see. I still want to try to increase the rate of flow of butane from my canister to my nozzle, I'll see if that works first
  10. I have actually been working on this, and I'm really close. I decided to use a very small butane cartrage underneath my left arm, and it has a button so that when I press down sharply on my left arm, it releases butane until I let up again. Then I have a 1/8 inch tube running from that canister to in between my middle and ring finger on my right hand going underneath my clothes and there is a little nozzle there. Also underneath my left arm I have a pizo-electric sparker with wires going to just beyond the nozzle on my right hand. A jab at that will cause a small spark on the wires on my right hand. So effectively, I would be able to get a flame, if it weren't for the fact that the butane won't come out evenly. There is no leak in the hose, and there is certainly something coming out of it because I can feel the air coming out of it when I press down on the flow button, but whatever does come out of the tube won't light on fire, even with a match. This means that the sparker isn't the problem, but possibly the butane is just mixing with regular air too quickly and is not concentrated enough. Im still working this out. I have a way to shoot out some sugar past this flame, but it takes far too long to type that, and what I have explained already is pretty confusing. I do like your idea. Maybe a fire retardant applied to the fingers? Unfortunately though those are pretty toxic usually, probably can't use the brominated kind :|
  11. Just be sure you don't use chemical cleaners like sodium hydroxide because this will eat up your aluminum as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gihAT6eXaoc I thought that was pretty cool
  12. Just make sure that your condenser's cold enough.... I had a bad expierence with that once
  13. Its annoying, the molecules are so incredibly small. If you're trying to store it, you can forget about it About a year ago, I tried to store some hydrogen in a water bottle. Sealed that up in a plastic ziploc bag. I opened it a month later (to see if it had escaped), and it was completely gone. The bag and water bottle were sagging, and even when I stuck a match in there, nothing happened. And just plain plastic balloons do a pretty bad job as well. I tried to keep one of those over night, it was filled with hyrogen so it floated, but by morning it was on the ground
  14. Thanks, but I got it. I've learned quite a bit since then
  15. HDPE and certain other plastics can handle sulfuric at certain concentrations When I bought my first H2SO4 it was in a High-Density Polyethelene container, 90% concentration, but it also had an inhibitor (which I have distilled out). After I distilled it out though, I put the acid in some special flasks for storage.
  16. 90%, its concentrated, but remember, its inhibited
  17. thats too bad, what country do you live in? oh, duh, just looked at ur location so they don't have lowes in canada? this is the brand i buy (scroll to the bottom of the page) http://www.roebic.com/bathroom.htm its a little bit of a pain to distill it, but in the end, its worth it see if you can buy some online or something
  18. urghem....excuse me "drain opener" in case someone couldn't figure it out i did have to check several hardware stores, only one had it and i was so thrilled when i saw it. my Lowes department store had it, and you can also check online to make sure your hardware stores carry it
  19. Btw, if you want to get sulfuric acid, many department stores sell in in the "train opener" section. Thats where I got mine. It did however have a strange black dye in it that interfered with its reactivity, but all I did was distill it leaving this wierd, viscous sludge. But its still easier (and much cheaper) to get it this way as opposed to drilling open a battery.
  20. http://www.matchrockets.com/ether/diabislev.html Basic, neat link about this.
  21. Also, instead of using copper wires for your electrodes, use carbon (graphite). Much harder to oxidize. Platinum is ideal... but its not so easy to come by
  22. Not to mention its half life of the most stable isotope is 22 minutes, so it would be hard to make a significant amount without having the stuff you made before hand decay
  23. Yeah, but shooting sparks, maybe like a foot or something. I guess that the origional design isn't that bad, but the main problem is how to light the metal dust without having to light something on your finger first if there was some way that you could-at the same time as forcing the metal powder out- have something on the ring that could be electrically lit or even chemically lit. Does anyone have some ideas of materials that will ignite that are non liquid? I guess that even a little bit of highly oxidative gas in a little ring next to a highly reductive metal could produce a flame? Then again, that would be pretty corrosive to the fingers... Maybe just a ring of cesium next to a tube ring of water that could be punctured then Ooh, how about platinum next to a tube 'ring' of hydrogen and oxygen gas mix that would be punctured by the platinum? Seriously though, does anyone have any ideas of two materials that will produce a small flame instentaniously when in contact? Glycerol and permanganate is too difficult to time, sulfuric acid is too corrosive, then again the chemicals here aren't going to be NaCl.
  24. Shooting Sparks from the fingertips, wouldn't that be cool. http://www.lateralscience.co.uk/pyromagic/sparks.html The only problem is that the directions are a little bit unclear, but we can solve that problem. This design is good, but lets improve it. Does anyone have any other ideas for such a device? I was thinking something as simple as shooting out powdered chlorates and sugar or similar from a tube under the arm (in the sleeve) and then having some sulfuric acid on the fingertips (maybe coated with teflon?? lol, this is sounding stupider and stupider) um, I don't know, but it sounded really good when I was thinking about it Regardless Who has some other suggestions? The problem is getting the powder to ignite without burning off the hand.
  25. So no other really dense gasses that anyone can think of?
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