The dictionary definition of energy isn't very helpful: "The ability to do work." As you get into what work is and what matter is, the definition becomes circular. It seems to mean something like, "Energy is the ability to make a change in energy." I am not expecting a better answer. I don't think anyone has one, but I still have questions about what we do know.
Thermodynamics, rule one: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
My understanding: The universe comes self-contained, and equipped with a large but finite amount of energy that makes everything, and causes all events.
My question: How does primal energy divide to fill space? Is there one quanta at the start with an unimaginably high frequency that splits to cause events, or is primal energy composed of, say, 10^75 quantum all packed into the same dimensionless point, and each with some initial maximum frequency at the highest range of Gamma rays?
Rule two: The entropy of the universe never decreases.
My understanding: a) Energy causes lots of events per space-time interval in the beginning, but as space-time numbers increase the averages of energy events per unit of time and space decrease. Eventually they approach zero. b) As energy moves from vigor to lassitude, it changes direction randomly causing matter and energy to move away from order toward disorder. Everything gets more, and more mixed up as time progresses.
My question: Do quantum maintain their individuality?
If I could somehow slap a label on a quanta of heat from a fire, and then if I reverse time, could I follow it backwards to the beginning? (In my mind's eye I would see its frequency increase as an elevation in the electromagnetic force of an atom, and then as a photon going back toward the sun, and then as an increasingly intense photon doing its random walk backwards toward some proton in the heart of the sun. By the time it reaches the proton its energy has elevated to gamma ray level and it would enter proton radius to become the lone down quark chasing two up quarks inside.)
Are quarks composed of many quantum, or are they one quanta with very, very high frequency?