Basically, i was talking to a friend the other day and he was going on and on about how the kids of today are over medicated and its sick and wrong, Now i happpen to be diagnosed with three of the disorders on the list below and i am beguining to realize perhaps america is over diagnosed. Of course i knew this already after doing a project on Big pharma and the entire pharmesutical industry and after putting two and two together its just flat out sad man...
Anyways i did some research and found some of the top over diagnosed disorders in america today.In addition i asked around school a bit (very discreatly) and found that a big chunk of the 50 kids i go to school with are medicated for at least one of the disorders below( some medicated for two even!) but then again i take medication for two of my three... so i guess my conclusion so far is that these disorders are sort of a dime a dozen and are more human nature than actual disorders, however this little side study has not persuaded me to stop taking my meds, so once again i am a slave to my medicine cabinet...
Any who, check out the list below add anymore disorders i may have missed, commentary welcome!
1. ADD (attention deficit disorder)
2. ADHD (attention deficit Hyperactive disorder)
3. Bipolar
4. OCD (obsessive compolsive disorder)
5. anxiety, scocial anxiety ect...
6. depression