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    I do research.

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Quark (2/13)



  1. How was the contact between human species during the evolution? Can you suggest me research sources about it?
  2. Yay! You answered it! Thank you. So I just need to understand the implications of the axioms and theorems? Now it's kinda easier, I thought I ought to memorize.
  3. Guys, what you think about: -For dummies books; -DeMYSTiFied books; -Complete idiots guide.
  4. Ok, thanks for the advices. I kinda figured the way it should be done (tried?), Algebra, Calculus, then Analysis. I've got some books and I'm gonna start to read them. Thank you so much.
  5. The course i'll make starts with Linear Algebra.
  6. Hi, next year i'll start my bachelor's degree on mathematics, but i want to study something about it while i'm idle. I've found this: http://webdocs.registrar.fas.harvard.edu/courses/Mathematics.html And this: http://www.ufpe.br/proacad/images/cursos_ufpe/matematica_bacharelado_perfil_4904.pdf They're Syllabi from some mathematics courses, one of them is from the university near me, the other is from Harvard. Can someone suggest a study way? Where should I start and which books I should get? Thanks in advance.
  7. From what I know until now - if i know something until now - the DNA can store information. But i've never read about how much information it is possible to store on it, any sugestion?
  8. I am reading it here: http://www.amazon.com/Rubato-Composer-Music-Software-Component-Based/dp/3642001475
  9. So, if there are lots of possible operations. How will i know what operation should i do?
  10. I'm kinda doing what you're doing, i've been negligent with my classes while younger, now i want to build some projects that need the neglected content. I'm reading mathematics for the nonmathematician. It's a cool book if want some maths.
  11. Oh, forget, i didn't undertand.
  12. I guess the word is not "possible", the word is "known".
  13. Can i say: Map it to n, instead of map it to {4,9}? And, where can i find all possible binary operations? I've searched a little but i can't find it.
  14. I kinda modeled a monoid on Mathematica: I'm not very sure if i'm right on them. But what would happen in the case of the homomorphism of these monoids?
  15. I'm reading Comprehensive Mathematics for Computer Scientists 1, has anyone read it? I've picked this book last year, i wanted to understand the Rubato music composer and after i understood what would be needed to operate it, i asked Guerino Mazzola about a good book to get started on the necessary topics, he suggested me this book. I opened the book and i made the first chapter pretty fast, but when the second chapter came, i swear that the only thing i could see is something like the image below. Now that i know a little more of maths due to books like "for dummies" and "The complete idiot's guide", i open the second chapter and it seems more like the image below: It's russian, it's easy.I can read it slow and stuttering, but i kinda understand it. I have a doubt on how it's reading should proceed. There are lots of axioms, remarks, proofs, sorites, etc. Should i memorize each one of them? What would be a effective way of reading it? Thanks in advance.
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