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Everything posted by deluxe

  1. This is really a good question. We live in an unGodly world. Even the religions of the world are unGodly. But all the evidence in the world that we see and study tells you there is a God. For people that really want to get the answers and understanding, their only choice is, they have is to find out who that God is. We need an explation for everything we see. The only reason we need this is that we were created with that need. ( that need, it is not from a 'evolutionary' casue.)
  2. But what some have missed about this, is, that God gave Satan and man a determined time before God would step in. ( because he knew how it would turn out) So, right from the 1st prophecy in the bible, God told us all the he would takes Satan's influence over man away from him. And those people that want to follow God and not this system ( under Satan), would have that opportunity, to do so. That is what Armageddon is about. But the bible also says very few really want to serve God the way he requires. That has alsways been the case. If you look at the flood, 8 people survived out of a approxiatly 1million. Abraham was the only one, Job also was singled out, when Jesus came he did not go to the religious leaders he started with only himself and choose a few, to follow him.( which grew in time) The vast amjourity follow Satans world. So God is not to blame, for the mess we see. People can only blame themselves and Satan. God is our ownly way out.
  3. Well first of all you have to understand what the bible actually says. The first man Adam was disloyal to God. It was a question of loyalty. Adam was perfect, but with free choice. We are not robots.God only wants people that want to follow him. Because Adam lost his life and perfection he passed that on to alll men. Becasue God cares for man, he give him length of time to go his own way. But warned throughout the bible of the results. We see that today, and throught mans history. Now God cared for man so much that he gave his Son Jesus, life, to ransom back the perfect life lost. Think about this, would you give up your son for that lives of others? That is what God did. So any deaths or any pain or suffering, is totally from Satan's and mans hands . No one elses. Satan took on the rulership of mankind when Adam followed him , instead of God. The bible was written about the people of those times but is for the people that came after the bible was written. Everything we need to know about God is in the bible. After Jesus, Christians were not to learn war anymore. We have the example in Jesus. That means that Chrsitians that get involved in governments and wars etc, are not following God.. They are what the bible calls false worshipers. Satan is the ruler of the world, and as such includes governments, and religions.( includeing Christendom.) So what we are looking at, in this world is casued by Satan and man, not God. He never want this for us. So what the means is, if some are not for God they are agianst him. And all the mess we see is thier own fault.
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