Agreed .
But doesn't that reduce you to a mere puppet !
Nobody knows who or what is pulling the strings .
May be my brain is being influenced by somebody or some activity that is beyond my awareness ,
and I am found violating a law .
I will be punished regardless of the invisible factors .
Now it's no point protesting because these are simply unknown to the world .
But the awareness of the fact that you are not the doer , can result in a more tolerant attitude .
The idea of free will should date back to the time when mind was supposed to be an entity
other than the body , that could control the body .
' you are the maker of your destiny ' .. and stuff like that , which perhaps still holds sway .
It was only when the mind-body duality sounded a dubious proposition , that things like
free will ( that you have a choice , freedom .. to govern your actions ) appeared false .
There is no such thing as the mind ; it is merely a concept . ( This is being openly discussed
today )
While you can't say the same for the brain , which is out there as a physical reality .
This discussion notwithstanding , one can't escape the social responsibility aspect .
Can you ever teach children that they are uncontrollable !
This tempts me to use the word - forced .
And deception - because the knowledge about lack of freewill can never be acted upon .