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Everything posted by granadina

  1. So in a way , if you are curious about philosophical questions , the first thing you are required to do is pull yourself out of the mainstream society ?
  2. Thanks for the help . Can one say that ' subjective idealism ' can never be part of an education curriculum ? How can myth be substituted for the ' real ' !
  3. Thanks for the link . Would like to have your views of the OP .
  4. This sounds interesting ! But how does one ascertain these abilities ? Kindly post the links to Experiments / Studies if any , conducted in this regard . Does it somehow relate to ' Synaptic Pruning ' - ' In neuroscience, synaptic pruning, neuronal pruning or neuro-structural re-assembly refer to neurological regulatory processes, which facilitate a change in neural structure by reducing the overall number of neurons or connections, leaving more efficient synaptic configurations. It is often a metaphor used to describe the maturation of behavior and cognitive intelligence in children in terms of "weeding out" the lesser used synapses. '
  5. In virtually every science , there comes a stage when the unknown appears to belittle the known . When patterns do not seem to work any more . One may never experience it , or one may well experience it to become disillusioned ! On the one hand you may call it as reality , the outer world , the universe .. On the other hand the very idea of an external reality is cast into doubt . And it's you in between . You might say we have evolved sufficiently . You might also say we have distanced ourselves more and more from our original nature . Just as you said - ' We prefer information that confirms our beliefs . '
  6. Thanks . It's called ' Pruning ' I guess . Getting rid of the superfluous to maintain a better shape .
  7. The link was useful . Thanks . ' People gather evidence and recall information from memory selectively , and interpret it in a biased way . ' Furthermore , how limited is the ability to process when compared to the input the brain receives . Is it not presumptuous then to identify and subscribe to ' the vast amount of unobserved , unprocessed data that is unknown , by saying that it exists ?
  8. The questionable duality . Nobody is born with a concept of ' subjective ' and ' objective ' . It's a result of (ineluctable) social indoctrination . Animals don't suffer from this .
  9. And does it follow - ' reality does not exist when we are not observing it . ' ?
  10. That was worth reading . Amounts to self - deception , wouldn't you say ; when you depend on words not knowing what they mean .. Consciousness included . Isn't it wrong to ask - ' What is Consciousness ' when the term conveys a ' process ' in the brain , that cannot be encapsulated in a word !
  11. What is ' mind ' supposed to mean - Thoughts , Emotions , Memories .. And have these not been rooted to the Nervous System ? ( Only it doesn't help you point at a source , but renders the question beyond grasp . )
  12. Why is it so hard to accept that we are just a bundle of chemicals ? Unfortunately , you are supposed to be answerable for your actions , willy nilly . So why not ' Fake it ' ! And know that you are faking it . Do you have a choice in the matter ?
  13. Is this philosophical quote also endorsed by modern science ? If yes , could we have some corroborating scientific evidence . ( hopefully not too techinical ) Thanks .
  14. . - A socially acceptable world view . There is no dearth of data that cannot be accounted for , by the empirical science . Shamanism uses highly charged energy centres - vortices , in their practice . For that matter , there's a different concentration of energy , whether you visit an art gallery , a military centre , a science lab ( anyone can feel this ) ; and what do we know about the vibes , or how it affects our psyche ?
  15. Might sound absurd , but what is the surety that you are not hallucinating now ! The Research is increasingly pointing at something that is hard to digest - ' Our brains are constantly distorting what we see . ' Much of what we see is being ' invented ' by the brain's repository - The Memory . So we ' see ' things that aren't really there . This view does help , in that it erases the blurred line between the natural and the supernatural .
  16. It definitely helps . Thanks for the description . The nebulous zone in the above is the concluding line - ' you can decide that it is time to get up . ' Could it be that the full explanation of thousands of pages would not require this questionable element of free will ? Isn't the body an autonomous system ?
  17. Thanks . Also , can the origin of a thought be ever ' pointed ' at ?
  18. There could be something before ' the decision to get up out of bed ' . I think there's a difference in saying - ' When a thought takes place in the brain ' and - ' The decision to get up out of bed ' . The latter presupposes a ' decision maker ' .. nowhere to be found ! The thought ' appeared ' in the brain as a result of a lot more that precedes it ; the physical and the mental needs preparing the body for the next course of action . Isn't the ' I ' of the person unduly superimposed on this bit of action ?
  19. Just as you can conveniently live your life without using words like God and Soul .. Can't you do away with the word ' Mind ' ? Won't you be better off without treating the word as a sort of ' Entity ' . May be the same holds true for the word Love . Do you really know what you mean when you say - ' fall in love ' ? The less the vagueness , more the clarity ..
  20. So perhaps the essential factor in ' loss of control ' would be the connection , rapport .. one has with the other person ? ( Why do we say - lower one's guard ! ) However , the situation would be different if you are alone ?
  21. There's admittedly ' loss of control ' due to alcohol . The delicate balance of the brain activity gets altered , but many questions remain about the effects of alcohol on this delicate balance . The beneficial effects of physical exercise on the brain have been successfully observed . How lack of physical activity can enhance ' latent ' impulses / thoughts / feelings .. is the question .
  22. If it helps someone to read a book of philosophy , and they are curious to learn how the chemical changes in the brain affect this process , they are wasting their time because ' This is not neurologically verified ' ! I can't even call myself a student of Neuroscience ; does that mean I should refrain from seeking help in science forums , for fear that someone may ridicule my poor knowledge ? If the Mods feel the topic is Irrelevant , let them remove it . But your kind of response only serves to creep some new member out .
  23. There are Physical Exercises essentially for ' a better blood supply ' to the Brain . ' The constriction of micro-vessels of the brain is the cause of bad brain's blood supply. It is the source of such illnesses as dizziness, insomnia, migraine, a memory weakness. ' You are right . Perhaps we can find more ' Neurological ' explanations in time .
  24. This speaks a lot . The cases of so called Spirit Possession Syndrome (SPS) share the symptoms with DID / MPD . While DID is often attributed to Childhood Trauma , SPS is always greeted with Skepticism , even ridiculed . What if there is some unknown physical evidence to the Non Scientific explanations regarding Discarnate enitites ?
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