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  • Favorite Area of Science
    stem cells, regeneration

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Other than cleaning the forskin daily and if and when infected treating it with antibiotics, the only way to really cure it is to have a circumcision. The quicker it is done the less long term suffering the child will have. If he has already had a number of infections then you need to seriously consider doing this operation ASAP. Try to get a real surgeon to do it since medical students and interns seem to not know how to do this carefully so there are no remaining skin tags at the point of incision around the corona.
  2. Hi, you definitely can not get a job as either a physician assistant or nurse practitioner after a 4 year science college degree. However, this may qualify you to take a few more years of training to become one or the other of these. In general physician assistants have better training and do more than nurse practioners since the PA works under the supervision of a licensed physician. The NP seems to be less trained and educated but does have a license to practice independently but has a limited license. You should study both professions carefully and meet with at least one of these types on the job to hear what each of them has to say about their chosen profession.
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