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Everything posted by Appolinaria

  1. Haha.
  2. watching the fabric of the cosmos: the illusion of time on channel 13. =)

    1. Appolinaria


      great.. they just moved onto the topic of entropy. god damnit

    2. BeuysVonTelekraft


      Relax, soon they move to porn movies.

    3. Appolinaria




      That was a terribly boring show.

  3. Yes, but you cannot refute the rotation of earth without substantial knowledge. Absolute motion is not substantial since relativity was proven. Therefore, the example in the original post was dismissed, not refuted.
  4. If something is not effective universally, it is not a Law of Nature, and cannot be used to dismiss another idea. Our lack of knowledge about something is no grounds for dismissing another idea. This is more flawed to me than the original implication. What is an accidental generalization, and what is a law? The two are different, and only the latter is grounds for dismissal of an idea.
  5. And those are open systems in the universe, right? If the universe is isolated, shouldn't it be in equilibrium?
  6. give me a break, black holes are weird as hell! psh, where god divided by zero... more like where god fell asleep on the keyboard and totally effed shit up. it's still here, existing, nonsensically. ps good thread, reading now
  7. Michel, can you maybe clarify if you have a second; since black holes in the center of galaxies are gaining mass (as opposed to small, hot ones who lose more than they gain with hawking radiation or w/e) aren't they decreasing in temperature? if they're increasing in entropy, according to the second law, shouldn't they be getting hotter?
  8. naw. i dont get why that sh*ts increasing. Ok, the universe is an isolated system, and I just read the second law of thermodynamics.. Okay, it's an irreversible process... However, I still don't understand why it isn't just in equilibrium, if our universe is one system. I know I simply do not understand the complexity of any of this, but I'm going to ask anyway.
  9. if the universe has increasing entropy, is there a system with decreasing entropy acting upon it?
  10. Good, thankfully! How about yourself?

  11. Michel, thanks. If anyone could answer the following layman questions I would really appreciate it. If objects in our universe are accelerating away from each other, are they increasing in kinetic energy? Is this why entropy is increasing? Wikipedia says, "Increases in entropy correspond to irreversible changes in a system, because some energy is expended as waste heat, limiting the amount of work a system can do." Is this why there is an arrow of time?
  12. As the seed holds the flower...
  13. I like seeing brilliance that's still human. I respect him off the bat for his use of an analogy. That method works... Some people overlook the importance in an analogy because it comes across as simple.... but the use of an analogy signifies a genius to me! (mainly because I'm a Layman and I glorify the hand that feeds me).
  14. So many people have mentioned Feynman to me on here. I watched the video and was surprised by his demeanor
  15. How can a key be in the same spot as it was even a second ago, based on the fact that everything in the universe is accelerating from each other, the Earth is rotating, and it all moves across the expanse of the universe? Yes, the key might be in the same spot on the shelf as it was yesterday, but the entire Earth is not going the same speed it was yesterday, nor is Earth in the same place in space as it was yesterday...
  16. 10 years, 54 posts? Jesus. I would think you'd have to make a strenuous effort to keep your post count that low, even with long periods of inactivity. That's an achievement.
  17. Congrats. Who do you admire most in the world of science or who inspires you?
  18. Numbers & symbolism fascinate me merely because I see certain ones everywhere- particularly 1, 3, 7, 12. In the Bible, with the woman clothed with the sun (having a garland of 12 stars), & in literature.. for example, Dante's Beatrice and the descent through the spheres, the 12 soul lights, the 7 terraces of Purgatory... also... I see it a lot in Rosicrucianism. We see this 1, 3, 7, 12 along the concentric petals in the center of the cross. So what does it actually mean? I have no idea. I'm still trying to figure it out. However, beyond influence of the Bible, we even see this concept in nature. Going along with the trinity, alpha omega, whichever quantity you want to use... just these different aspects all creating a singular God... We can compare it to light rays, for example. When all seven wavelengths of light are combined, they create one. White light. The prism which refracts light into 7 rays, might be comparable to the "sky" god created to separate light from darkness. This idea exists sans Bible, so that's why I think there's importance to it. It's true significance I'm not sure of, but how often I see it occurring makes it curious to me. When you begin to notice that the symbolism in religion corresponds to occurrences in nature, science & religion seem to become one.
  19. To give us Alzheimer's. It's a conspiracy.
  20. My thoughts are pretty similar... however, I don't believe we are one entity in purest form. Animals, I think are, but not humans. I think we have some individuality.
  21. How about you just go back to elementary school and learn how to proofread?
  22. Well, it is all up for interpretation. I don't know myself. For example, this is what I take from the sphere/cube/pyramid idea. I could very well be completely wrong. "The sphere rests upon a point, the cube upon a surface; the sphere is therefore used to symbolize spirit, and the cube, matter." (Quoted from chapter 33) A point moved upon itself becomes a line. Spirit put into motion, or put through time, creates matter. A pyramid can rest on a surface, as well as a point.. it works in both the spiritual and material world. Just as a son contains aspects from both parents. It is the motion of the sphere that allows us to measure a cube. Yesterday I was on wikipedia & was reminded of "Newton" by William Blake. Notice the motion of the scroll, the surface of the scroll, the recording device, and also... where all of these emanate from. Perhaps this idea holds some truth, perhaps it doesn't. It is still interesting how often I see it, though.
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